Research: Phase 3 Design, Implementation and Dissemination of
online Java Digital
Signal Processing (J-DSP) Materials
(Award No. 0817596)
PI at Arizona State: Dr. A. Spanias
PI at Prairie View A&M: Dr. C. M. Akujuobi, PI at Johns Hopkins:
Dr. L. Hinnov, PI at Washington-Bothell: Dr. M. Stiber
Co-PIs at Arizona State: Dr. R. Ayyanar, Dr. A. Papandreou-Suppappola, Dr. C. Tepedelenlioglu,
Dr. H. Thornburg
Dr. E. Doering (RHIT), Dr. S. Haag (ASU), Dr. M. Pattichis (UNM),
Dr. C. Pattichis (UCY), Dr. M. Reisslein
(ASU), Dr. J. Zhang (ASU) |
1. Collaborative Research: Multidisciplinary J-DSP Module Design, Implementation and Dissemination |
multidisciplinary CCLI phase 3 proposal is on a
collaborative project involving several universities
including Arizona State University (ASU), Johns Hopkins
University (JHU), University of Washington Bothell (UWB),
and Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). In addition to the
formal collaborative research structure involving these four
institutions, the project also involves sponsored
partnerships with at least three other universities, namely
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT), University of
New Mexico (UNM), and University of Cyprus (UCY). Other
partnerships through the collaborating institutions have
also been organized with the University of Texas at Austin
and the University of Padova.
The CCLI Phase 3
proposal builds on several products and outcomes of two
previous Phase 2 CCLI EMDs and revolves around our online
software technology J-DSP. This Phase 3 proposed
comprehensive project expands the scope of J-DSP beyond
Electrical Engineering to other fields associate with
multidisciplinary applications that are central to the
nations’ security and economic welfare. Our first
multidisciplinary activity with Johns Hopkins University and
two other partners is to create a J-DSP/Earth Systems
version which will be customized for earth system sciences
and geology, and will also embrace issues of sustainability.
The software and associated module will be used in classes
at JHU. Our second multidisciplinary activity has to do with
extensions of J-DSP to arts and media (with the ASU AME)
providing artists with creative web-based DSP software tools
and embedding and assessing J-DSP modules in AME courses. A
companion activity will embed J-DSP modules in a music
synthesis course at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
(RHIT). Our third inter-technology activity provides J-DSP
and J-DSP-C modules for power engineering courses and
embraces issues of renewable energy (with ASU Power
Systems). A series of equally important activities with our
partners target interdisciplinary and inter-technology areas
including: interpreting biological signals from ion-channel
sensors with J-DSP (with the Arizona Institute of
Nanoelectronics), using J-DSP to expose students to the
importance of signal analysis in sensing and genomics (with
the ASU SenSIP; http://sensip.asu.edu), embedding J-DSP in
FPGA systems courses (with UNM), embedding J-DSP in
computing and programming applications (UsWB), and embedding
J-DSP in DSP courses (with PVAMU). |
Multidisciplinary Project Overview |
Related publications |
Ramamurthy K., Spanias A., Hinnov L., Ogg J., "On the use of Java-DSP in Earth systems", Proceedings of ASEE
Annual Conference and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2008. |
Spanias A., Ramamurthy K., Jayaraman J., Banavar M., Huang C., "Using JDSP and LabVIEW to perform undergraduate labs", Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI, June 2007. | |
Spanias A., Berisha V., Kwon H., Huang C., Natarajan A., Ferzli R., "Using the Java-DSP Real-Time Hardware Interface In Undergraduate Classes," Proceedings of IEEE FIE-2006, San Diego, CA, October 2006. | |
Spanias A., Chilumula R., Huang C., Stiber M., Loizou P., Kasparis T., "A Collaborative Project on Java-DSP Involving Five Universities," Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, June 2006. | |
Spanias A., Chilumula R., Huang C., "Collaborative Signals and Systems Laboratories at ASU, UWB, UCF, UTD, and URI," Proceedings of IEEE FIE-2006, San Diego, CA, October 2006. | |
Spanias, A., Atti, V., "Interactive online undergraduate laboratories using J-DSP," IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 735- 749, Nov. 2005. | |
Spanias, A., Atti, V., "Workshop - Designing Laboratories, Exercises, and Visualization Demos in Signals and Systems Courses using Java-DSP," Proceedings IEEE FIE-2005, pp. W1A-1- W1A-2, Indianapolis, October 2005. |