Jim Plusquellic

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico

Jim Plusquellic


Co-founder: International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)


Section Editor-in-Chief for Cryptography, Hardware Security MDPI Journal of Cryptography

Director: Integrated Circuit Hardware Analysis Laboratory (IC-HAL)


President and CEO, Integrated Circuit Secure Authentication, Fingerprinting and Encryption in Trusted Systems (IC-Safety)

Book Chapter, "PUF-Based Authentication", Fundamentals of IP and SoC Security, Design, Verification, and Debug

Book Chapter, "VLSI Test and Hardware Security Background for Hardware Obfuscation", Hardware Protection through Obfuscation

Book Chapter, "Detecting Hardware Trojans using Delay Analysis", The Hardware Trojan War: Attacks, Myths, and Defenses

HOST 2017 Tutorial: Hardware Security and Trust Challenges in Emerging IoT Systems and Applications

Special Issue MDPI Journal of Cryptography, PUF-Based Authentication


Linux: The only real solution!

Special Issue on Hardware Security and Trust, MDPI, Hardware Security Section of Cryptography, Deadline Dec. 31, 2025

Curriculum Vitae


Professor Plusquellic received both his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 1995 and 1997, respectively. He is currently a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico. His research interests are in the area of nano-scale VLSI and include security and trust in IC hardware, embedded system design, supply chain and IoT security and trust, silicon validation, design for manufacturability and delay test methods. Professor Plusquellic received an "Outstanding Contribution Award" from IEEE Computer Society in 2012 for co-founding and for his contributions to the Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), and again in 2017 from the Test Technology Technical Council for "For Outstanding Contribution as Co-Founder and General Chair of IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) in 2010". He is Trust and Assurance Lead for ASU's ME COMMONS (SWAP) Hub since July, 2024. He served as General Chair for HOST in 2010, as Program Chair for HOST 2008, 2009, as Vice-Program Chair in 2020, as Hardware Demo and Award Chair for several years, and as panelist and moderator for panels at HOST 2020. He has served as Associate Editor for Transactions on Computers and is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of Hardware Security for Cryptography, MDPI. He has been inducted into the HOST Hall-of-Fame and has authored or co-authored three book chapters for Springer Link on the topics of PUF-based Authentication and Hardware Trojan Detection. He received the "10 Years of Continuous Service Award" from the International Test Conference, a Best Paper Award from VTS, an ACM Distinguished Service Award from SIGDA and two Austin CAS Fellow Awards from IBM. He received the "Albuquerque lab-to-business accelerator" award in 2016, the "2014 Innovation Award" from the Science and Technology Center at the University of New Mexico, was a "Featured Entrepreneur" within the School of Engineering and has multiple patents and provisional applications filed with the US. Patent and Trademark Office. Professor Plusquellic is President and CEO of IC-Safety, LLC and a consultant for Enthentica Inc., both start-ups in the hardware security and trust space. He was an invited keynote for iSES 2020, and has served on the Program Committees for HOST, Design and Test in Europe, International Test Conference, International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and VLSI Test Symposium. He has published more than 100 refereed conference and journal papers. He is a Senior IEEE member and a Golden Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society.

Entrepreneurial Activities

ABQ Journal, "UNM-linked Startup Launches Accelerating, July 18, 2016"
ABQ Journal, "ABQ Lab-to-Business Cccelerator Ready to Launch, Jan. 7, 2016"
Science and Technology Center at the University of New Mexico, "STC Commercialization Activity for Just Ended Fiscal Year Continues to Grow Despite Economy"
Featured in STC calendar for 2014
UNM Engineering Magazine, "Accelerating Innovation"
UNM Engineering Magazine, "PUF Goes the Hacker"

Contact Information

Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico

UNM-Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
211 Terrace Street NE
MSC01 1100
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Office (ECE 230C): 505-277-0785
Grad Office (ECE L227): 505-277-6013
Lab (ECE L227): 505-277-1410
Lab (ECE 235A)
Home: 240-475-1882
Dept: 505-277-2436
FAX: 505-277-1439

Email: jimp AT ece DOT unm DOT edu

Research Interests:

My primary interests are in Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, Design for Manufacturability, Defect-Based Test, e.g., IDDQ/IDDT, Small Delay Fault Test, Model-to-Hardware Correlation and Process Monitors.

Research Areas and Publications

HOST 2020 Covid-19 Webinar Organizer:

* HOST 2020 COVID-19 Webinar Announcement (PDF)
* My COVID-19 panel presentation (video)

* My iSES Keynote Presentation on PUF-Cash (video)

Professional Organizations:

Hardware Demo. Chair, Sym. on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, 2016
Member of the IEEE


* ECE 595: VLSI Synthesis (fall 2024)
* ECE 525: Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (spring 2020)
* CMPE 595: VLSI Synthesis (fall 2004)
* CMPE 413: Principles of VLSI Design (fall 2000)
* ECE 338: Immediate Logic Design (fall 2019)
* ECE 522: Hardware Software Co-Design with FPGAs (fall 2019)
* ECE 595: Advanced Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (fall 2017)
* ECE 443: Hardware Design with VHDL (fall 2016)
* ECE 337: Computer Architecture and Organization (fall 2011)
* CMPE 650: Digital Systems Design (spring 2008)
* CMPE 691x: Design for Manufacturability (to be offered fall 2008)
* CMPE 646: VLSI Design Verification and Testing (fall 2007)
* CMPE 415: Programmable Logic Devices (fall 2007)
* CMPE 310: Systems Design and Programming (spring 2002)
* CMSC 611: Advanced Computer Architecture (spring 1999)
* CMSC 421: Principles of Operating Systems (fall 1997)