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[value]Invalid address: %sUnable to access memory at location 0x%08X: %sEnter new memory contents starting at location 0x%08lX (leave blank to stop)0x%08lX: -numNo element number specifiedInvalid element number: %s-sizeNo element size specifiedInvalid element size: %s-outputInvalid address: %sUnable to access memory at location 0x%08X: %ssymbolssecinfoheaderSyntax: file
AmbiguousUnknown%s command: file %sSyntax: ignore Invalid number: %sNo such breakpoint number: %ldIgnoreCountAddressEnabledTypeNum%-03s %-10s %-07s %-10s %-12s%-12dnoneynBreakpoint%-03d %-10s %-07s 0x%08lX %-12sNo breakpoints or watchpoints setSyntax: load Invalid number: %sError in ptrace(): %sc_nextc_next.csptr != 0 Program received signal %s (%s) Location: 0x%08lXBreakpoint %d encountered at 0x%08lXProgram terminated normally (Exit status: 0x%04X)!!Invalid number: %sError in ptrace(): %sNew value (Return for none): Invalid register: %sRestart program from beginning? (y/n) %s c_runc_run.cpath != 0RestartingStarting%s program: %s %sError in ptrace(): %ssptr != 0 Program received signal %s (%s) Location: 0x%08lXBreakpoint %d encountered at 0x%08lXProgram terminated normally (Exit status: 0x%04X)(AmbiguousUnknown%s command: set %sInvalid number: %sError in ptrace(): %sc_stepc_step.csptr != 0 Program received signal %s (%s) Location: 0x%08lXBreakpoint %d encountered at 0x%08lXProgram terminated normally (Exit status: 0x%04X)Syntax: tbreak
Invalid address: %sError occurred while setting breakpoint: %sBreakpoint %u set for 0x%08lX (temporary)Listing window numbersType "window " or "CTRL-W " to switch windows%-10d %-20sInvalid number: %sald.outwUnable to open %s: %sActive window dumped to %swritewindowtbreakstorestepsetrunregisterquitnextloadlbreakignorehelpfileexitexamineenterenabledumpdisassembledisabledeletecontinueclearbreaksrnedcProcessCommandcommand.ccommand != 0Unbalanced quotesAmbiguous command: %sUnknown command: %s (help shows a list)No file has been loaded (see help load)The command "%s" works only in curses modeGetCommandInputbufptr != 0CurrentFrame != 0FindCommandname != 0cmdlist != 0Disassembly error: %sUnknown instruction at offset 0x%08x: 0x%02X%02X???%08X %-20s %sDisplayNextInstructiondisassemble.ccodeptr != 0Error disassembling next instruction (address: %08lX)length != 0SEGMENT NOT FOUND - WE ARE OUTSIDE FILE insnidx != (-1)64 bit32 bitInvalid classMSBLSBInvalid dataCore fileShared ObjectExecutableRelocatableNo file typePowerPCIntel 80960MIPS R3000 big-endianIntel 80860Intel 80486Motorola m88k familyMotorola m68k familyIntel 80386SUN SPARCAT&T WE 32100No machineVersion 1 (current)Invalid versionupper bound index rangelower bound index rangeprocessor specificdynamic symbol tablereservedno bitsnotedynamic linking datasymbol hash tablerelocation entriesstring tablesymbol tableprogram specificinactiveweakgloballocalfilesectionfunctiondata objectunknownCheckElfelf.cfilename != 0MapPtr != 0ElfMachine[(unsigned char) ElfHeader->e_machine] != 0%s: ELF %s (%s), %s, %s, %sPrintElfHeaderhptr != 0%s:Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), %s, %s, %sMachine Architecture: %sObject File Type: %sVirtual Entry Point: 0x%08X (File Offset: 0x%08X)Program table header offset: 0x%08XSection table header offset: 0x%08XProcessor specific flags: 0x%08XELF header size (bytes): 0x%04XProgram header table entry size: 0x%04XProgram header table entry count: 0x%04XSection header table entry size: 0x%04XSection header table entry count: 0x%04XSection header string table index: 0x%04XPrintElfSectionInfoNo sections foundsptr->sh_type == 3No section found matching: %sSection name: %sSection type: %sWritable, Occupies memory during execution, Contains executable instructions, Reserved for processor-specific semantics, Section flags: %sVirtual address: 0x%08XSize (bytes): 0x%08X (%d)File offset: 0x%08X (%d)Address alignment: %d bytesEntry size: %d bytesLength (bytes)EndStartSection name%-20s %-8s %-8s %-8s%-20s 0x%08X -> 0x%08X 0x%08XFindElfSectionByAddrhptr && start && endFindElfSectionByNamehptr && name && start && end_ElfFindSectionByNamehptr && namePrintElfSymbolsNo symbols found!symtabptrSizeNameTypeBindingAddress%-10s %-10s %-20s %-30s %s0x%08X%-10s %-10s %-20s %-30s %d%s: Unknown file format[filename]Writes contents of current window to [filename]write[number] [number] - window number to switch to If no number is given, all windows and their numbers are listed.Perform window manipulationwindow[num] [num] - number of instructions to step through (default: 1) Alias: sStep one instruction, stepping into any subroutinesstep[option] [value] Options: args entry-point file-offset pause-print prompt Type "help set