The application programmer loads segment register values as before in Real Mode, but the values that he/she puts in them are very different.
Since knowledge of the GDT and LDT is
generally available at compile time, the programmer must use symbolic names.
is responsible for resolving the actual values at run time.
In general, the segment values are
16-bit tags
for the address spaces of the program.
Instructions such as
(load DS),
(load access rights),
(load segment limit),
(verify for read) are available to retrieve
attributes, if the process is privileged enough.
Whenever a segment register is changed,
sanity checks
are performed before the descriptor is cached.
The index is checked against the limit.
Other checks are made depending on the segment type, e.g., data segments, DS cannot be loaded with pointers to execute-only descriptors, ...
The present flag is checked.
Otherwise, an exception is raised and nothing changes.
0: highest privilege, 3: lowest privilege
The privilege protection system plays a role for almost every instruction executed.
Protection mechanisms check if the process is privileged enough to:
Execute certain instructions
, e.g., those that modify the Interrupt flag, alter the segmentation, or affect the protection mechanism require PL 0.
Reference data other than its own
. References to data at
privilege levels is not permitted.
Transfer control to code other than its own
. CALLs or JMPs to code with a
privilege level (higher or lower) is not permitted.
Privilege levels are
assigned to segments
, as we have seen, using the
(Descriptor Privilege Level) field (bits 45 and 46).
as the
Code Privilege Level
of the process, which is the
of its
code segment
as the Requestor's Privilege Level.
Privilege Level Definitions:
When data selectors are loaded, the corresponding data segment's DPL is compared to the
of your CPL or the selector's RPL.
Therefore, you can use RPL to
your current privilege level, if you want.
CPL is defined by the descriptors, so access to them must be restricted.
Privileged Instructions:
Those that affect the segmentation and protection mechanisms (CPL=0 only).
For example, LGDT, LTR, HLT.
Those that alter the Interrupt flag (CPL <= IOPL field in EFLAGS).
For example, CLI, STI (Note: only DPL 0 code can modify the
Those that perform peripheral I/O (CPL <= IOPL field in EFLAGS).
Privileged Data References:
Two checks are made in this case:
Trying to load
the DS, ES, FS or GS register with a selector whose DPL is > the DPL of the code segment descriptor generates a
general protection fault
Trying to use
a data descriptor that has the proper privilege level can also be illegal, e.g. trying to write to a read-only segment.
, the rules are even more restrictive.
Privileged Code References:
Transferring control to code in another segment is performed using the FAR forms of JMP, CALL and RET.
These differ from intra-segment (NEAR) transfers in that they change
CS and EIP.
The following checks are performed:
The new selector must be a code segment (e.g. with execute attribute).
CPL is set to the DPL (RPL is of no use here).
The segment is present.
The EIP is within the limits defined by the segment descriptor.
The RPL field is always set to the CPL of the process, independent of what was actually loaded.
You can examine the RPL field of CS to determine your CPL.
There are two ways to
your CPL:
Conforming Code segments
Remember Types 6 and 7 defined in the AR byte of descriptor?
Segments defined this way have no privilege level -- they conform to the level of the calling program.
This mechanism is well suited to handle programs that share code but run at different privilege levels, e.g., shared libraries.
Through special segment descriptors called
Call Gates
Call gates act as an interface layer between code segments at different privilege levels.
They define
entry points
in more privileged code to which control can be transferred.
They must be referred to using FAR CALL instructions (no JMPs are allowed).
Note, references to call gates are
from other FALL CALLs in the program -- a segment and offset are still both given.
However, in this case, both are ignored and the call gate data is used instead.
Call Gate Mechanism:
Note that both the
are given in the call gate preventing lower privileged programs from jumping into the middle of higher privileged code.
This mechanism makes the higher privileged code
to the caller.
Call Gates have "tolls" as well, making some or all of them inaccessible to lower privileged processes.
The rule is that the Call Gate's DPL field (bits 45-46) MUST be >= (lower in privilege) than the process's CPL before the call.
Moreover, the privileged code segment's DPL field MUST be <= the process's CPL before the call.
Changing privilege levels requires a
change in the stack
as well (otherwise, the protection mechanism would be sabotaged).
Stack segment DPLs MUST match the CPL of the process.
This happens transparently to the program code on both sides of the call gate!
Where does the new stack come from?
From yet another descriptor, Task State Segment (
) descriptor, and a special segment, the TSS.
The TSS stores the state of all tasks in the system and is described using a TSS descriptor.
The processor saves all the information it needs to know about a task in the TSS.
More on this later as time permits.