ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Revised 2/26/99 DLX attributes that are required. See section 2.8 of text. If any details are omitted below, they can be found in the text. GENERAL: 32 general purpose registers, R0,.. R31. R0 is always 0. Optionally: 32 floating point registers F0,... F31 Data types: 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit integers. Optionally: 32-bit and 64-bit floating point. Address modes: immediate and displacement. Register deferred and Absolute possible as well, see text. DLX memory is byte addressable in Big Endian mode with a 32-bit address. Fixed instruction encoding, opcode is 6 bit with addressing mode encoded. See instruction formats on page 99 of text. Operations: See page 104. All operations except those operating on floating point or special registers are required. Any implemention that includes a subset of the floating point operations (i.e. MULT and DIV) will get bonus points ! Stay tuned for additional comments in this document !