Taxonomy of Instruction Set Architectures (ISA).
Summarize results of instruction set measurements.
Language and Compilers and their influence on ISAs.
Taxonomy of ISAs
Stack Architecture
Operands are implicitly on the top of the stack.
One operand is implicitly in accumulator.
General Purpose Register
(GPR) architecture: Three general types:
May have 2 or 3 operands in memory (VAX).
Operations occur between register and memory (one operand in memory).
Usually 2 operands, one in a register (src and dest) and one in memory (src only).
Data must be explicitly moved between registers and memory.
ALU operations use register operands only.
Usually 3 operands, all in registers.
Why are GPR ISAs so popular ?
Registers are faster than memory (4ns vs. 70ns).
Compiler can use them effectively to:
Evaluate expressions
Hold variables
Pass parameters
Two instruction set characteristics divide GPRs:
The number of ALU operands (2 or 3.)
The number of operands that may be memory addresses (0-3.)
Instruction density
How much space does a program require ?
Mem-mem and Reg-mem: good instruction density.
Instruction count
How many instructions are necessary for a specific task ?
Reg-reg usually have large instruction counts compared to Mem-mem and Reg-mem.
Instruction complexity
How much decoding is necessary to interpret an instruction ?
Mem-mem most complex, Reg-reg simplest.
Instruction length
Is length dependent on the type of instruction and addressing mode ?
Mem-mem instruction length can be variable and usually longer than Reg-reg due to memory operands.
Reg-reg instructions are usually (always) fixed in length.
How is a memory address interpreted ?
What byte is specified by the address ?
Two conventions for byte ordering:
Big Endian
: The address of the "word" is the address of the most significant (biggest) byte.
Little Endian
: The address of the "word" is the address of the least significant (littlest) byte.
Problem: When word (binary) data is transferred between the two types of machines, byte swapping is necessary.
On many machines, accesses to objects larger than a byte must be aligned. i.e.
A 4-byte integer must be stored at an address divisible by 4 for word alignment.
Why ?
Misalignment complicates the hardware.
An addressing mode can specify a constant, a register or a location in memory.
: Operand is in a register.
: Operand is a constant encoded directly in the instruction.
: Memory address is computed by adding a constant (found in the instruction) to the value in the register.
: Similar to displacement except the constant is 0.
: Two registers are added together to get the memory address.
: The memory address is contained directly in the instruction.
: The value in a register is either incremented/decremented, either before or after the register's value is used as a memory address.
Add R1, (R2)+
Add R1, -(R2)
: Similar to indexed except that the index value may be implicitly multiplied by a constant (2, 4 or 8) in order to access halfwords, words or doublewords. Also, it contains an explicit constant.
Memory deferred
: Allows additional levels of indirection.
We skipped
addressing modes for the moment.
These specify code addresses in control transfer instructions.
Addressing mode impact:
Can significantly reduce instruction count.
Add complexity to the hardware.
May increase average CPI.
Important addressing modes:
: Provides the means to use the registers.
: Provides the means of implementing pointers
Add R4, 100(R1) where R1 holds the address of a data item.
Issue: What is the appropriate displacement field size ?
Important because it affects instruction length.
Program analysis shows that:
12 bits
capture ~75% of full 32-bit displacements found in programs.
16 bits
capture ~99% of full 32-bit displacements found in programs.
Therefore, 12-16 bits is probably sufficient.
Important addressing modes:
: Used in arithmetic operations (comparisons) and in moves where a constant is needed in a register.
Issue: What is the appropriate immediate field size ?
Important because it affects instruction length.
Program analysis shows that:
Most immediate values are less than 8 bits (50%-70% on the VAX).
However, large immediates are sometimes used, most often in address calculations.
Therefore, 8-16 bits is probably sufficient.
Integer programs use immediates quite often (up to 1/3 of all instructions) while floating point programs use them less often (1/10).
Other addressing modes are certainly useful, but are they worth the chip space and design complexity ?