Technology trends:
IC Technology:
Density increases 50%/year (~4x in 3 years).
DRAM (memory):
Density increases about 60%/yr (4x in 3 years).
Disk technology:
Density improves by 50%/yr (~4x in 3 years).
The designer must take these improvements into account and design for a future technology.
Cost trends:
The learning curve.
Computer X is n times faster than Y is computed as:
Measuring Performance:
CPU performance: elapsed user CPU time on an unloaded system.
Ideal verses the alternative: Benchmarks
Arithmetic mean:
Harmonic mean, weighted arithmetic mean and weighted harmonic mean.
Important design principle:
Make the common case fast !
CPU Performance Equation:
Taxonomy of ISAs:
Stack Architecture, Accumulator and General Purpose Register
Memory-memory, Register-memory, Load-store
Why are GPR ISAs so popular ?
Register speed and compiler efficiency.
ISA Metrics:
Instruction density, Instruction count, Instruction complexity and Instruction length.
Memory addressing:
What byte is specified by the address ?
Addressing Modes:
Register, Immediate, Displacement, Indirect, Indexed, Direct/Absolute, Auto-increment/decrement, Scaling, Memory deferred.
Important addressing modes:
Register, Immediate, Displacement
Immediate field size.
Instruction Set operations:
Arithmetic/Logical, Load/Stores, Control, System, Floating Point, Decimal, String and Graphics.
Control Flow instructions:
Conditional branches, Jumps, Procedure Calls, Procedure Returns.
Control Flow Addressing modes:
PC-relative, Indirect, Absolute
Conditional branches:
Appropriate field size for offset.
Methods of testing the condition
Condition codes, condition register and compare and branch
Caller saving, callee saving.
Instruction encoding:
Variable and fixed.
Structure of recent optimizing compilers:
Front end, High level optimizations, Global optimizations, Code generation.
Instruction set properties:
Regularity (orthogonality), Provide primitives, not solutions, Simplify trade-off among alternatives, Allow constants to be constants.
Non-pipelined DLX:
IF, ID, EX, MEM and WB
Pipelined DLX:
Conversion requires separate instruction/data caches, register file modifications, and a means of dealing with branches.
Pipelining decrease execution time but increases cycle time due to overhead.
Instruction irregularity can not be taken advantage of.
Three types:
Structural, Data and Control.
Simple method to deal with hazards:
Stall the pipeline. Previous instruction must proceed to clear hazard.
Effect on pipeline speedup (assuming clk cycle time unchanged and unpipelined CPI is equal to depth of pipeline):
Structural hazards caused by:
Functional units not fully pipelined, shared resources among pipelines.
Structural hazards allowed because:
They may not occur often enough to justify the cost and they add latency to the unit that is pipelined.
Data hazards:
Occur when instruction i generates a result read by instruction i+1.
Can occur on the register file, on the program counter (actually control hazards) or on a memory location.
RAW, WAR and WAW hazards possible.
Write register in first half of cycle, read in second half.
Loads followed by an ALU operation still stall one cycle.
Loads followed by a store do NOT need to stall.
Compiler scheduling:
Compiler reorders instructions to prevent stalls.
Increases the number of registers used.
Simple if performed within basic blocks.
Control hazards:
Occur when two instructions accesses to the PC are reordered and the first instruction modifies the PC (RAW).
Standard DLX:
Three cycle stall.
Decide branch outcome early in the pipeline.
Compute target PC early in the pipeline.
DLX datapath modification.
Static prediction schemes: (Assume we know target PC and outcome of branch in ID.)
Simple: Flush the pipeline.
Treat branches as not-taken: flush if branch is taken.
Treat branches as taken: doesn't do much good for DLX.
Fill branch delay slots.
Delayed branch:
Filling with an instruction before the branch is always a win.
Filling with an instruction from target or from fall through is sometimes a win.
Data dependencies prevent the ideal case from being achievable in every situation.
When using the alternative, accurate prediction is necessary otherwise, there is no win.
Adding a cancelling branch instruction adds flexibility to filling the branch delay slot.
Accurate prediction can help with data hazards scheduling as well.
In order to reduce branch stall penalties, compilers can:
Reorder instructions, Predict all branches taken, Predict forward not taken and backward taken and Use profile information from previous runs.
Pipelining difficulties:
Instruction set complications
Synchronous vs. asynchronous, User requested vs. coerced, User maskable vs. non-maskable, Within vs. between instructions and Resume vs. terminate
Most difficult: resumable exceptions within instructions.
Precise vs. imprecise exceptions:
All instructions before the faulting instruction complete AND
And instructions following the faulting instruction, including the faulting instruction, do not change the state of the machine.
Out-of-order instruction completions and out-of-order exception occurrences.
One way to maintain precise exceptions.
Use a exception vector for each instruction to disable writes.
Instruction set complications:
Committed instructions are guaranteed to complete.
On integer DLX, no updates occur before instruction commit.
Precise interrupts are easy.
On CISC, this may not be true because of early state changes and memory updates.
Latency and initiation interval.
Pipelined FP functional units:
Structural hazards for the non-pipelined divide unit and writes to a signal ported register file.
Number of register writes that occur in one cycle can be greater than 1.
Out-of-order completion: WAW hazards possible and exception handling complicated.
RAW stalls more frequent.
Solutions to the structural hazard caused by the single write port:
Stall the instruction when it tries to enter the MEM.
Use a shift register to keep track of register writes and stall in ID.
Solutions to the WAW hazard:
Stall an instruction that would "pass" another.
Cancel the WB phase of the earlier instruction.
Handling exceptions:
Out-of-order completion causes imprecise exceptions.
4 Solutions:
Ignore the problem, let them happen.
Buffer the results and delay commitment.
History file
Future file
Keep enough information for the trap handler to create a precise sequence for the exception.
Allow instruction issue only if it is known that all previous instructions will complete without causing an exception
Guideline for instruction set design:
Avoid variable instruction lengths and running times whenever possible.
Avoid sophisticated addressing modes.
Don't allow self-modifying code.
Avoid implicitly setting CCs in instructions.
Focus on reducing RAW and control stalls.
Increases importance in dealing with WAR, WAW and structural stalls.
Loop unrolling, Basic pipeline scheduling, Scoreboarding, Register renaming, Dynamic branch prediction, Issuing multiple instructions per cycle, Compiler dependence analysis, Software pipelining and trace scheduling, Speculation, Dynamic memory disambiguation
Pipeline scheduling:
Compiler seeks to separate a dependent instruction from the source instruction by a distance (in clk cycles) equal to the pipeline latency of the source.
Instructions are reordered, offsets adjusted.
Pipeline scheduling and loop unrolling improves scheduling by:
It eliminates branches.
It allows instructions from different iterations to be scheduled together, it exposes parallelism.
Properties of programs.
Indicate the potential for a hazard.
Actual hazard and the length of any stall is a property of the pipeline.
Three types:
Data, name and control.
Data dependencies can be overcome:
Maintaining the dependence but avoiding a hazard (hardware and software).
Eliminating the dependence by transforming the code (software only).
Fold computation into an offset.
Name Dependences:
Occur when two instructions use the same register or memory location but there is NO flow of data between instructions that use that name.
Antidependence, Output dependence.
Can be executed out of order or in parallel.
Register renaming can either be done by the compiler or the CPU.
Control Dependences
A control dependency determines the ordering of the instructions with respect to branch instructions.
Preserving control dependence is not important -- program correctness is.
Preserving exception behavior, Preserving data flow
Control stalls can be avoided by:
Scheduling instructions in delay slots.
Loop unrolling.
Conditional execution.
Speculation (by both compiler and CPU).
The CPU rearranges the instructions (while preserving dependences) to reduce stalls.
Advantages over static (compiler) schemes:
Handles dependencies that are UNknown at compile time (i.e., a memory reference.)
Allows code compiled with one pipeline in mind to run efficiently on a different pipeline.
Out-of-order execution: Split ID into:
Issue: Decode and check for structural.
Read operands: Wait until no data hazards and read operands.
Goal: to maintain an execution rate of one instruction per cycle.
Instructions can bypass each other in Read Operands. WAW hazards possible.
Hazard detection and resolution are centralized.
Issue (IS)
The functional unit is available and
No other active instruction has the same destination register.
This avoids WAW hazards and structural hazards.
Read Operands (RD)
Resolves RAW hazards dynamically
Write result (WB)
The scoreboard checks for WAR hazards and stalls the completing instruction if necessary.
Components of the system:
Instruction status, Functional unit status, Register result status
Distinguishing between RAW and WAR:
Check the value of Rj or Rk for Yes
Scoreboarding: Limitations:
ILP, Size of the "issued" queue, Number, types, and speed of the functional units, The presence of antidependences and output dependences.
Tomasulo's approach:
A technique to allow execution to proceed in the presence of hazards.
Renames registers dynamically:
Eliminating WAW and WAR hazards.
Differences between scoreboarding and Tomasulo's approach:
Register renaming, Distributed control and the Common Data Bus.
Operation steps:
Issue: Check for structural hazards. Rename source operands if necessary.
Execute: Handle RAW hazards
Write result: Update reservation stations and register file.
Tomasulo's advantages and characteristics:
The distribution of the hazard detection logic.
The elimination of WAW and WAR hazards.
Dynamic loop unrolling.
Memory disambiguation.
Dynamic Branch Prediction
Prediction Accuracy and Latency
Branch-Prediction Buffer
Helps when branch decision takes longer to compute than target PC.
Keep a buffer (cache) indexed by the lower portion of the address of the branch instruction.
Incorrect branching may result from misprediction or instruction mismatch.
2-bit scheme fixes 2 miss problem in nested loops.
n-bit prediction with a saturating counter not much better than a 2-bit predictor.
Correlating Branch predictors:
Considers the behavior of "surrounding" branches.
2-level correlated predictor:
Each branch keeps track of the behavior of the previous branch, and uses that to predict the behavior of the current branch.
(m,n) predictors:
Use the behavior of the last m branches to choose from one of 2m branch predictors, each of which is an n-bit predictor.
Branch-Target Buffers (BTB)
A method to reduce branch stalls to 0.
Value" in the cache is the address of the next instruction.
Compare the entire address, a cache.
Prediction can be added to the Branch-Target Buffer, preferably in a separate buffer.
Misprediction penalties can be higher since updating the cache interferes with the comparison of the PC on each instruction fetch.
Branch folding:
Instead of storing just the branch address, the BTB can store the actual instruction as well.
For unconditional branches or CCs, the branch "disappears".
Multiple Issue CPUs
Superscalar: Utilize both static and dynamic scheduling strategies.
VLIW: Statically scheduled only.
Superscalar DLX
Interactions between integer and FP
Contention for the FP register ports and RAW hazards between integer FP loads/stores and FP ALU instructions.
Hazards impose a penalty measured in cycles, not instructions
Each VLIW "instruction" is composed of multiple independent instructions.
Compiler unrolls loops and schedules code across basic blocks.
Limits in multiple-issue processors:
Limits on available ILP in programs
Hardware complexity: memory bandwidth and design complexity.
Limitations specific to superscalar or VLIW
Instruction issue logic is the primary challenge with superscalar
Increase in code size from open slots.
Effect of stalls on a lock-step operation.
Binary compatibility.