// ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // ***************************************** token_enrollment.c ******************************************* // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== #include "common.h" #include "token_common.h" // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Start the PUF engine with the current vector to get the timing values. Once it finishes, fetch each of // the timing values. int GenGetTimingVals(volatile unsigned int *CtrlRegA, volatile unsigned int *DataRegA, int max_outputs, int max_sams, int num_outputs, unsigned short timing_val_arr[max_outputs][max_sams], unsigned short output_pos[max_outputs][max_sams], int sam_num, int ctrl_mask) { int output_num, timing_val; int num_non_zero_timing_vals; //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): BEGIN\n"); fflush(stdout); // Sanity check. PUF engine MUST be 'ready' if ( (*DataRegA & (1 << IN_SM_READY)) == 0 ) { printf("ERROR: GenGetTimingVals(): PUF Engine is NOT ready!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): PUF/hash engine is ready -- starting PUF engine!\n"); fflush(stdout); // DEBUG: Set number of samples to 2. // ctrl_mask = ctrl_mask | (0 << OUT_CP_NUM_SAM1) | (0 << OUT_CP_NUM_SAM0); // Start the PUF engine to generate the timing values. Vector pair has already been loaded. *CtrlRegA = ctrl_mask | (1 << OUT_CP_PUF_START); *CtrlRegA = ctrl_mask; //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): Waiting PUF engine to finish!\n"); fflush(stdout); // Wait for the PUF engine to finish generating the timing data. while ( (*DataRegA & (1 << IN_SM_READY)) == 0 ); //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): PUF engine DONE!\n"); fflush(stdout); // Reset the PN value pointers in the VHDL code for transferring PNs from VHDL to C code. *CtrlRegA = ctrl_mask | (1 << OUT_CP_DTI_RESTART); *CtrlRegA = ctrl_mask; //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): Checking 'data_ready' of DataTransferOut!\n"); fflush(stdout); // Wait for 'data_ready' to become 1 after the pointer reset (should already be 1). while ( (*DataRegA & (1 << IN_SM_DTI_DATA_READY)) == 0 ); //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): 'data_ready' is set!\n"); fflush(stdout); // ================== // Get timing values num_non_zero_timing_vals = 0; for ( output_num = 0; output_num < num_outputs; output_num++ ) { // Read a timing value -- current version uses only 10 bits (for timing values between 0 and 1023), even though phase // shift can increase to 1120. NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save 400 FFs in the implementation // right now. Once we move to SRAM, increase this to 11 bits! timing_val = *DataRegA & 0x7FF; // If timing value is 0, then the path has NO transition. if ( timing_val > 0 ) { // Don't really need to save these since we are writing them to a file directly above. timing_val_arr[num_non_zero_timing_vals][sam_num] = (unsigned short)timing_val; output_pos[num_non_zero_timing_vals][sam_num] = (unsigned short)output_num; //printf("GenGetTimingVals(): Timing val at index %d and sam %d is %d with output pos %d\n", // num_non_zero_timing_vals, sam_num, timing_val_arr[num_non_zero_timing_vals][sam_num], output_pos[num_non_zero_timing_vals][sam_num]); fflush(stdout); num_non_zero_timing_vals++; // Sanity check if ( num_non_zero_timing_vals > max_outputs ) { printf("ERROR: GenGetTimingVals(): Too many timing values %d -- max %d -- increase in program!\n", num_non_zero_timing_vals, max_outputs); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Four phases here. // 1) Got timing value above, indicate we are done reading. *CtrlRegA = ctrl_mask | (1 << OUT_CP_DTI_DONE_READING); // 2) Wait for 'data_ready' to become 0. while ( (*DataRegA & (1 << IN_SM_DTI_DATA_READY)) != 0 ); // 3) Reset done_reading to 0 *CtrlRegA = ctrl_mask; // 4) Wait for 'data_ready' to become 1. while ( (*DataRegA & (1 << IN_SM_DTI_DATA_READY)) == 0 ); } return num_non_zero_timing_vals; } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Send the timing data to the verifier through the socket. THIS IS ONLY ALLOWED during enrollment. void SendTimings(int str_length, int verifier_socket_desc, int vec_num, int num_timing_vals, int *overall_num_timing_vals_ptr, int max_outputs, int max_sams, unsigned short timing_val_arr[max_outputs][max_sams], unsigned short output_pos[max_outputs][max_sams], int num_sams, int change_rise_fall) { char timing_line[str_length]; char buffer[str_length]; int sam_num, nz_num; int num_lines; // Load up the timing samples to a string and send to the verifier. num_lines = 0; for ( nz_num = 0; nz_num < num_timing_vals; nz_num++ ) { sprintf(timing_line, "V: %d\tO: %d\tC: %d\t", vec_num, output_pos[nz_num][0], *overall_num_timing_vals_ptr); for ( sam_num = 0; sam_num < num_sams; sam_num++ ) { sprintf(buffer, " %d", timing_val_arr[nz_num][sam_num]); strcat(timing_line, buffer); // Sanity check: It must always be true that the sampled output remains the same across samples. if ( output_pos[nz_num][0] != output_pos[nz_num][sam_num] ) { printf("ERROR: SendTimings(): Output that produced timing value has CHANGED %d vs %d!\n", output_pos[nz_num][0], output_pos[nz_num][sam_num]); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Send timing value line with all samples included. Be sure to add '+1' to ensure NULL character is transferred to receiver. if ( SockSendB((unsigned char *)timing_line, strlen(timing_line) + 1, verifier_socket_desc) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: SendTimings(): Send '%s' failed\n", timing_line); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // DEBUG //printf("SendTimings(): Current timing line[%d]:\n'%s'\n", *overall_num_timing_vals_ptr, timing_line); fflush(stdout); num_lines++; (*overall_num_timing_vals_ptr)++; } // Send the empty string which will cause a blank line to be inserted into the saved file on the receiver, as an indicator of when we change // from rising to falling (or vise versa). Be sure to add '+1' to ensure NULL character is transferred to receiver. if ( change_rise_fall == 1 ) if ( SockSendB((unsigned char *)"", strlen("") + 1, verifier_socket_desc) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: SendTimings(): Send '' failed\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG printf("SendTimings(): Sent %d timing values for vector[%d]\n", nz_num, vec_num); fflush(stdout); #endif } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // DEBUG ROUTINE. Check that the vectors received are precisely the same as the ones stored in the file on // the server. Write an ASCII file. void SaveASCIIVectors(int max_string_len, int max_vecs, int num_vecs, unsigned char *first_vecs_b[max_vecs], unsigned char *second_vecs_b[max_vecs], int vec_len_bits, int has_masks, int mask_len_bits, unsigned char *masks[max_vecs]) { int byte_cnter, bit_cnter; unsigned char *vec_ptr; int vec_num, vec_pair; FILE *OUTFILE; if ( (OUTFILE = fopen("ReceivedVectors.txt", "w")) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: ReadDatabasePNs(): Could not open ReceivedVectors.txt for writing!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for ( vec_num = 0; vec_num < num_vecs; vec_num++ ) { for ( vec_pair = 0; vec_pair < 2; vec_pair++ ) { if ( vec_pair == 0 ) vec_ptr = first_vecs_b[vec_num]; else vec_ptr = second_vecs_b[vec_num]; // Print ASCII version of bitstring in high order to low order. for ( byte_cnter = vec_len_bits/8 - 1; byte_cnter >= 0; byte_cnter-- ) { for ( bit_cnter = 7; bit_cnter >= 0; bit_cnter-- ) { // Check binary bit for 0 or 1 if ( (vec_ptr[byte_cnter] & (unsigned char)(1 << bit_cnter)) == 0 ) fprintf(OUTFILE, "0"); else fprintf(OUTFILE, "1"); } } fprintf(OUTFILE, "\n"); } // Extra between vector pairs. fprintf(OUTFILE, "\n"); } fclose(OUTFILE); // Do the same for the received masks. if ( has_masks == 1 ) { if ( (OUTFILE = fopen("ReceivedMasks.txt", "w")) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: ReadDatabasePNs(): Could not open ReceivedMasks.txt for writing!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for ( vec_num = 0; vec_num < num_vecs; vec_num++ ) { // Print ASCII version of bitstring in high order to low order. for ( byte_cnter = mask_len_bits/8 - 1; byte_cnter >= 0; byte_cnter-- ) { for ( bit_cnter = 7; bit_cnter >= 0; bit_cnter-- ) { // Check binary bit for 0 or 1 if ( (masks[vec_num][byte_cnter] & (unsigned char)(1 << bit_cnter)) == 0 ) fprintf(OUTFILE, "0"); else fprintf(OUTFILE, "1"); } } fprintf(OUTFILE, "\n"); } fclose(OUTFILE); } return; } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Looks like the full blown bitstreams are upto 4,045,564 in size (for Zynq 7020) #define MAX_PR_BIN_SIZE 5000000 // Only need to be big enough to hold the max number of timing values per vector in this version. unsigned short timing_val_arr[MAX_OUTPUTS][MAX_SAMS]; unsigned short output_pos[MAX_OUTPUTS][MAX_SAMS]; unsigned char *first_vecs_b[MAX_VECS]; unsigned char *second_vecs_b[MAX_VECS]; unsigned char *masks[MAX_VECS]; // The array that stores the current programming bitstream. char bstream_buf[MAX_PR_BIN_SIZE]; int bstream_size = 0; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { volatile unsigned int *CtrlRegA; volatile unsigned int *DataRegA; char verifier_IP[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int verifier_socket_desc = 0; int port_number; char chip_name[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char outfile_prefix[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int num_vecs, num_sams; int vec_num, sam_num; //Timing variables. #if DEBUG struct timeval t0, t1; long elapsed; #endif int overall_num_timing_vals, num_rise_vecs; int first_num_non_zero_timing_vals, num_non_zero_timing_vals; int ctrl_mask; int has_masks; char fu_command_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char bsfilename[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *char_ptr; int vec_len_bits; int num_outputs; int version_num; int BSTREAM_FILE; int DEVCFG_FILE; // KG_FU char version_coords_KG_FU[25][MAX_STRING_LEN] = { "X22_Y0", "X22_Y1", "X22_Y2", "X22_Y3", "X22_Y4", "X22_Y5", "X22_Y6", "X22_Y7", "X22_Y8", "X22_Y9", "X22_Y51", "X22_Y52", "X22_Y53", "X22_Y54", "X22_Y55", "X22_Y56", "X22_Y57", "X22_Y58", "X22_Y59"}; // ====================================================================================================================== // COMMAND LINE if ( argc != 3 ) { printf("ERROR: token_enrollment.elf(): Chip name (C1)-- verifier_IP\n"); return(1); } sscanf(argv[1], "%s", chip_name); strcpy(verifier_IP, argv[2]); // ====================================================== PARAMETERS ==================================================== port_number = 8888; // ====================================================================================================================== // Open up the memory mapped device so we can access the GPIO registers. int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC); if (fd < 0) { printf("ERROR: /dev/mem could NOT be opened!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Add 2 for the DataReg (for an offset of 8 bytes for 32-bit integer variables) DataRegA = mmap(0, getpagesize(), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, GPIO_0_BASE_ADDR); CtrlRegA = DataRegA + 2; // Open up a socket connection to the verifier. OpenSocketClient(MAX_STRING_LEN, verifier_IP, port_number, &verifier_socket_desc); // Need this to do DPR. This fails if the file already exists but no big deal. system("mknod /dev/xdevcfg c 259 0 > /dev/null"); // ================== // ================== // Loop until server sends the 'EXIT' string. strcpy(fu_command_string, ""); while (1) { // Get the FU to see if there is another iteration to carry out. if ( SockGetB((unsigned char *)fu_command_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, verifier_socket_desc) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Failed to receive FU/Command string!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // ------------------------------------------ // Check for EXIT command from the verifier. if ( strcmp(fu_command_string, "EXIT") == 0 ) { printf("RECEIVED 'EXIT' string!\n"); fflush(stdout); break; } // Parse out the number 1 in, e.g., "KG_SBOX_V1" char_ptr = strchr(fu_command_string, 'V'); // Sanity check if ( char_ptr == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: Failed to find 'V' in fu_command_string '%s'!\n", fu_command_string); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Make it a zero-based index into version_coords. sscanf(char_ptr+1, "%d", &version_num); version_num--; // Sanity check if ( version_num < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Version number 'Vx' MUST be > 0 in fu_command_string '%s'!\n", fu_command_string); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("fu_command_string received '%s', (extracted version number-1) %d\n", fu_command_string, version_num); fflush(stdout); // Construct the bitstream name to read from the SD card and set parameters based on the type of functional unit. vec_len_bits = 0; num_outputs = 0; strcpy(bsfilename, ""); if ( strstr(fu_command_string, "KG_FU") != NULL ) { vec_len_bits = 64; num_outputs = 64; num_sams = 16; sprintf(bsfilename, "/tmp/KG_FU"); sprintf(bsfilename, "%s_%s.dcp.bit.bin", bsfilename, version_coords_KG_FU[version_num]); } // else if ( strstr(fu_command_string, "xxx") != NULL ) // { // } else { printf("ERROR: FU/Command string INVALID '%s'!\n", fu_command_string); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Reading bitstream file '%s'\n", bsfilename); fflush(stdout); if ( strlen(bsfilename) == 0 ) { printf("ERROR: NULL bitstream filename!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Read the bitstream into a buffer if ( (BSTREAM_FILE = open(bsfilename, O_RDONLY)) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Failed to open bstream file '%s'!\n", bsfilename); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (bstream_size = read(BSTREAM_FILE, bstream_buf, MAX_PR_BIN_SIZE)) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Failed to read bstream file '%s'!\n", bsfilename); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } close(BSTREAM_FILE); // Program the PL side with the buffered bitstream if ( (DEVCFG_FILE = open("/dev/xdevcfg", O_RDWR)) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Failed to open 'xdevcfg'!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } write(DEVCFG_FILE, bstream_buf, bstream_size); close(DEVCFG_FILE); usleep (10000); // Set the control mask to indicate enrollment (also, normally set PUF mode here too but there is only one mode here). ctrl_mask = (1 << OUT_CP_MODE1) | (1 << OUT_CP_MODE0); // ------------------------------------------ // Read all the vectors from the verifier into a set of malloc'ed string arrays. Verifier will send number of rising // vectors (inspects vectors as it reads them) and indicate whether masks will also be sent. num_vecs = ReceiveVectors(MAX_STRING_LEN, verifier_socket_desc, MAX_VECS, first_vecs_b, second_vecs_b, vec_len_bits, &num_rise_vecs, &has_masks, num_outputs, masks); printf("Number of vectors received %d\tNumber of rising vectors %d\tHas masks ? %d\n", num_vecs, num_rise_vecs, has_masks); fflush(stdout); // DEBUG // Regenerate the vectors in an ASCII file so that we can verify that they are the same ones that were generated. #ifdef DEBUG SaveASCIIVectors(MAX_STRING_LEN, MAX_VECS, num_vecs, first_vecs_b, second_vecs_b, vec_len_bits, has_masks, num_outputs, masks); #endif // Be sure to add '+1' to ensure NULL character is transferred to receiver. sprintf(outfile_prefix, "%s_%s", chip_name, fu_command_string); if ( SockSendB((unsigned char *)outfile_prefix, strlen(outfile_prefix) + 1, verifier_socket_desc) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Send '%s' failed\n", outfile_prefix); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Run time information #ifdef DEBUG gettimeofday(&t0, 0); #endif // Do a soft RESET *CtrlRegA = (1 << OUT_CP_RESET); *CtrlRegA = 0; usleep (10000); // Repeat for n vectors. NOTE: Enrollment mode of operation allows the PUF to be run on a per-vector basis, for as many samples as you // want (CollectPNs.vhd is NOT RUN -- ONLY LCDT). This iterative version allows very large sets of timing values to be retrieved since // the timing values for each vector (ALL SAMPLES) are sent after they are generated. overall_num_timing_vals = 0; for ( vec_num = 0; vec_num < num_vecs; vec_num++ ) { // Progress indicator if ( (vec_num + 1) % 100 == 0 ) { printf("Processing vector number %d\n", vec_num); fflush(stdout); } // Transfer a vector pair to the VHDL registers. LoadVecPairMask(MAX_STRING_LEN, CtrlRegA, DataRegA, MAX_VECS, vec_num, first_vecs_b, second_vecs_b, ctrl_mask, vec_len_bits, VEC_CHUNK_SIZE, has_masks, num_outputs, masks); // Get timing values over n samples. for ( sam_num = 0; sam_num < num_sams; sam_num++ ) { // 'GenGetTimingVals' checks if PUF engine is ready, starts the engine, waits for strobing to complete and then retrieves the timing // values for all outputs under this vector (number of timing value lines to be transmitted to the server is given by // 'num_non_zero_timing_vals' num_non_zero_timing_vals = GenGetTimingVals(CtrlRegA, DataRegA, MAX_OUTPUTS, MAX_SAMS, num_outputs, timing_val_arr, output_pos, sam_num, ctrl_mask); // Sanity check. Same paths must be timed across ALL n samples. if ( sam_num == 0 ) first_num_non_zero_timing_vals = num_non_zero_timing_vals; else if ( first_num_non_zero_timing_vals != num_non_zero_timing_vals ) { printf("ERROR: Number of paths timed for first sample is NOT equal for other samples!\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Transmit the timing values for this vector (including all samples) to the verifier one line at a time. Last parameter sends the empty string to // the verifier after this last rising edge vector is applied, which adds a extra line in the output file between rising and falling data values. SendTimings(MAX_STRING_LEN, verifier_socket_desc, vec_num, num_non_zero_timing_vals, &overall_num_timing_vals, MAX_OUTPUTS, MAX_SAMS, timing_val_arr, output_pos, num_sams, (vec_num == num_rise_vecs - 1)); // To allow multiple boards and parallelism, we send a 'CONT' string after the entire dataset (all samples) are collected for a given vector // EXCEPT FOR THE LAST VECTOR. The 'DONE' string is sent instead. if ( vec_num < num_vecs - 1 && SockSendB((unsigned char *)"CONT", strlen("CONT") + 1, verifier_socket_desc) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Send 'CONT' failed\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Send "DONE" string to the data for ALL vectors is complete. Be sure to add '+1' to ensure NULL character is transferred to receiver. if ( SockSendB((unsigned char *)"DONE", strlen("DONE") + 1, verifier_socket_desc) < 0 ) { printf("ERROR: Send 'DONE' failed\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Free up the vector malloced space for next run. for ( vec_num = 0; vec_num < num_vecs; vec_num++ ) { if ( first_vecs_b[vec_num] != NULL ) free(first_vecs_b[vec_num]); first_vecs_b[vec_num] = NULL; if ( second_vecs_b[vec_num] != NULL ) free(second_vecs_b[vec_num]); second_vecs_b[vec_num] = NULL; if ( masks[vec_num] != NULL ) free(masks[vec_num]); masks[vec_num] = NULL; } } // Run time information #ifdef DEBUG gettimeofday(&t1, 0); elapsed = (t1.tv_sec-t0.tv_sec)*1000000 + t1.tv_usec-t0.tv_usec; printf("\tDone: Elapsed %ld us\n\n", (long)elapsed); #endif close(verifier_socket_desc); return 0; }