/* $Id: xintc.c,v 2010/09/17 05:26:04 svemula Exp $ */ /****************************************************************************** * * (c) Copyright 2002-2009 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc. * and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other * intellectual property laws. * * DISCLAIMER * This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the * materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid * license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by * applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL * FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, * IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; * and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including * negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage * of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these * materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, * or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, * or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by * a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or * Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. * * CRITICAL APPLICATIONS * Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in * any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or * safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, * applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications * that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or * environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical * Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of * Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws * and regulations governing limitations on product liability. * * THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE * AT ALL TIMES. * ******************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * @file xintc.c * * Contains required functions for the XIntc driver for the Xilinx Interrupt * Controller. See xintc.h for a detailed description of the driver. * *
* Ver   Who  Date     Changes
* ----- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00a ecm  08/16/01 First release
* 1.00b jhl  02/21/02 Repartitioned the driver for smaller files
* 1.00b jhl  04/24/02 Made LookupConfig global and compressed ack before table
*                     in the configuration into a bit mask
* 1.00c rpm  10/17/03 New release. Support the static vector table created
*                     in the xintc_g.c configuration table.
* 1.00c rpm  04/23/04 Removed check in XIntc_Connect for a previously connected
*                     handler. Always overwrite the vector table handler with
*                     the handler provided as an argument.
* 1.10c mta  03/21/07 Updated to new coding style
* 1.11a sv   11/21/07 Updated driver to support access through a DCR bridge
* 2.00a ktn  10/20/09 Updated to use HAL Processor APIs.
* ******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files *********************************/ #include "xil_types.h" #include "xil_assert.h" #include "xintc.h" #include "xintc_l.h" #include "xintc_i.h" /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/ /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/ /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/ /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/ /* Array of masks associated with the bit position, improves performance * in the ISR and acknowledge functions, this table is shared between all * instances of the driver, this table is not statically initialized because * the size of the table is based upon the maximum used interrupt id */ u32 XIntc_BitPosMask[XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS]; /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/ static void StubHandler(void *CallBackRef); /*****************************************************************************/ /** * * Initialize a specific interrupt controller instance/driver. The initialization entails: * - Initialize fields of the XIntc structure * - Initial vector table with stub function calls * - All interrupt sources are disabled * - Interrupt output is disabled * * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param DeviceId is the unique id of the device controlled by this XIntc * instance. Passing in a device id associates the generic XIntc * instance to a specific device, as chosen by the caller or * application developer. * @return * - XST_SUCCESS if initialization was successful * - XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED if the device has already been started * - XST_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND if device configuration information was * not found for a device with the supplied device ID. * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ int XIntc_Initialize(XIntc * InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId) { u8 Id; XIntc_Config *CfgPtr; u32 NextBitMask = 1; Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL); /* If the device is started, disallow the initialize and return a status indicating it is started. This allows the user to stop the device and reinitialize, but prevents a user from inadvertently initializing */ if (InstancePtr->IsStarted == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED) { return XST_DEVICE_IS_STARTED; } /* Lookup the device configuration in the CROM table. Use this configuration info down below when initializing this component. */ CfgPtr = XIntc_LookupConfig(DeviceId); if (CfgPtr == NULL) { return XST_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND; } /* Set some default values */ InstancePtr->IsReady = 0; InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0; /* not started */ InstancePtr->CfgPtr = CfgPtr; InstancePtr->CfgPtr->Options = XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION; /* Save the base address pointer such that the registers of the interrupt can be accessed */ #if (XPAR_XINTC_USE_DCR_BRIDGE != 0) InstancePtr->BaseAddress = ((CfgPtr->BaseAddress >> 2)) & 0xFFF; #else InstancePtr->BaseAddress = CfgPtr->BaseAddress; #endif /* Initialize all the data needed to perform interrupt processing for each interrupt ID up to the maximum used */ for (Id = 0; Id < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS; Id++) { /* Initalize the handler to point to a stub to handle an interrupt which has not been connected to a handler. Only initialize it if the handler is 0 or XNullHandler, which means it was not initialized statically by the tools/user. Set the callback reference to this instance so that unhandled interrupts can be tracked. */ if ((InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler == 0) || (InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler == XNullHandler)) { InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = StubHandler; } InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr; /* Initialize the bit position mask table such that bit positions are lookups only for each interrupt id, with 0 * being a special case (XIntc_BitPosMask[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, ... }) */ XIntc_BitPosMask[Id] = NextBitMask; NextBitMask *= 2; } /* Disable IRQ output signal -- Disable all interrupt sources -- Acknowledge all sources */ XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_MER_OFFSET, 0); XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, 0); XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IAR_OFFSET, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Indicate the instance is now ready to use, successfully initialized */ InstancePtr->IsReady = XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY; return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Starts the interrupt controller by enabling the output from the controller * to the processor. Interrupts may be generated by the interrupt controller * after this function is called. * * It is necessary for the caller to connect the interrupt handler of this * component to the proper interrupt source. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param Mode determines if software is allowed to simulate interrupts or * real interrupts are allowed to occur. Note that these modes are * mutually exclusive. The interrupt controller hardware resets in * a mode that allows software to simulate interrupts until this * mode is exited. It cannot be reentered once it has been exited. * * One of the following values should be used for the mode. * - XIN_SIMULATION_MODE enables simulation of interrupts only * - XIN_REAL_MODE enables hardware interrupts only * @return * - XST_SUCCESS if the device was started successfully * - XST_FAILURE if simulation mode was specified and it could not * be set because real mode has already been entered. * * @note Must be called after XIntc initialization is completed. * ******************************************************************************/ int XIntc_Start(XIntc * InstancePtr, u8 Mode) { u32 MasterEnable = XIN_INT_MASTER_ENABLE_MASK; /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertNonvoid((Mode == XIN_SIMULATION_MODE) || (Mode == XIN_REAL_MODE)) Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* Check for simulation mode */ if (Mode == XIN_SIMULATION_MODE) { if (MasterEnable & XIN_INT_HARDWARE_ENABLE_MASK) { return XST_FAILURE; } } else { MasterEnable |= XIN_INT_HARDWARE_ENABLE_MASK; } /* Indicate the instance is ready to be used and is started before we enable the device. */ InstancePtr->IsStarted = XIL_COMPONENT_IS_STARTED; XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_MER_OFFSET, MasterEnable); return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Stops the interrupt controller by disabling the output from the controller * so that no interrupts will be caused by the interrupt controller. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @return None. * @note None. * ******************************************************************************/ void XIntc_Stop(XIntc * InstancePtr) { /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* Stop all interrupts from occurring thru the interrupt controller by disabling all interrupts in the MER register */ XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_MER_OFFSET, 0); InstancePtr->IsStarted = 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Makes the connection between the Id of the interrupt source and the * associated handler that is to run when the interrupt is recognized. The * argument provided in this call as the Callbackref is used as the argument * for the handler when it is called. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the * range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the * highest priority interrupt. * @param Handler to the handler for that interrupt. * @param CallBackRef is the callback reference, usually the instance * pointer of the connecting driver. * @return * - XST_SUCCESS if the handler was connected correctly. * @note * * WARNING: The handler provided as an argument will overwrite any handler * that was previously connected. * ****************************************************************************/ int XIntc_Connect(XIntc * InstancePtr, u8 Id, XInterruptHandler Handler, void *CallBackRef) { /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertNonvoid(Id < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS); Xil_AssertNonvoid(Handler != NULL); Xil_AssertNonvoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* The Id is used as an index into the table to select the proper handler */ InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = Handler; InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = CallBackRef; return XST_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Updates the interrupt table with the Null Handler and NULL arguments at the * location pointed at by the Id. This effectively disconnects that interrupt * source from any handler. The interrupt is disabled also. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the * range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the * highest priority interrupt. * @return None. * @note None. ****************************************************************************/ void XIntc_Disconnect(XIntc * InstancePtr, u8 Id) { u32 CurrentIER; u32 Mask; /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertVoid(Id < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS); Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* Disable the interrupt such that it won't occur while disconnecting * the handler, only disable the specified interrupt id without * modifying the other interrupt ids */ CurrentIER = XIntc_In32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET); Mask = XIntc_BitPosMask[Id];/* convert from integer id to bit mask */ XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, (CurrentIER & ~Mask)); /* Disconnect the handler and connect a stub, the callback reference * must be set to this instance to allow unhandled interrupts to be * tracked */ InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].Handler = StubHandler; InstancePtr->CfgPtr->HandlerTable[Id].CallBackRef = InstancePtr; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Enables the interrupt source provided as the argument Id. Any pending * interrupt condition for the specified Id will occur after this function is * called. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the * range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the * highest priority interrupt. * @return None. * @note None. ****************************************************************************/ void XIntc_Enable(XIntc * InstancePtr, u8 Id) { u32 CurrentIER; u32 Mask; /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertVoid(Id < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS); Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31 */ Mask = XIntc_BitPosMask[Id]; /* Enable the selected interrupt source by reading the interrupt enable * register and then modifying only the specified interrupt id enable */ CurrentIER = XIntc_In32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET); XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, (CurrentIER | Mask)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Disables the interrupt source provided as the argument Id such that the * interrupt controller will not cause interrupts for the specified Id. The * interrupt controller will continue to hold an interrupt condition for the * Id, but will not cause an interrupt. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the * range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the * highest priority interrupt. * @return None. * @note None. ****************************************************************************/ void XIntc_Disable(XIntc * InstancePtr, u8 Id) { u32 CurrentIER; u32 Mask; /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertVoid(Id < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS); Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31 */ Mask = XIntc_BitPosMask[Id]; /* Disable the selected interrupt source by reading the interrupt enable * register and then modifying only the specified interrupt id */ CurrentIER = XIntc_In32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET); XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IER_OFFSET, (CurrentIER & ~Mask)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Acknowledges the interrupt source provided as the argument Id. When the * interrupt is acknowledged, it causes the interrupt controller to clear its * interrupt condition. * @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XIntc instance to be worked on. * @param Id contains the ID of the interrupt source and should be in the * range of 0 to XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS - 1 with 0 being the * highest priority interrupt. * @return None. * @note None. ****************************************************************************/ void XIntc_Acknowledge(XIntc * InstancePtr, u8 Id) { u32 Mask; /* Assert the arguments */ Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL); Xil_AssertVoid(Id < XPAR_INTC_MAX_NUM_INTR_INPUTS); Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY); /* The Id is used to create the appropriate mask for the desired bit position. Id currently limited to 0 - 31 */ Mask = XIntc_BitPosMask[Id]; /* Acknowledge the selected interrupt source, no read of the acknowledge * register is necessary since only the bits set in the mask will be * affected by the write */ XIntc_Out32(InstancePtr->BaseAddress + XIN_IAR_OFFSET, Mask); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * A stub for the asynchronous callback. The stub is here in case the upper * layers forget to set the handler. * @param CallBackRef is a pointer to the upper layer callback reference * @return None. * @note None. ******************************************************************************/ static void StubHandler(void *CallBackRef) { /* Verify that the inputs are valid */ Xil_AssertVoid(CallBackRef != NULL); /* Indicate another unhandled interrupt for stats */ ((XIntc *) CallBackRef)->UnhandledInterrupts++; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Looks up the device configuration based on the unique device ID. A table * contains the configuration info for each device in the system. * @param DeviceId is the unique identifier for a device. * @return A pointer to the XIntc configuration structure for the specified * device, or NULL if the device was not found. * @note None. ******************************************************************************/ XIntc_Config *XIntc_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId) { XIntc_Config *CfgPtr = NULL; int Index; for (Index = 0; Index < XPAR_XINTC_NUM_INSTANCES; Index++) { if (XIntc_ConfigTable[Index].DeviceId == DeviceId) { CfgPtr = &XIntc_ConfigTable[Index]; break; } } return CfgPtr; }