Updated Sept. 1995, for new email address and BASH bug--- D.Jeff Dionne The maintainer of this port has changed email addresses to Jeff@RyeHam.EE.Ryerson.Ca OR VE3DJF@BBS.VE3RPI.ampr.org (for Amateur radio people). There is a bug in BASH 1.14.4 that causes spice3f4 not to build correctly. If you have a problem building the package, check this first. The affected version of BASH came with at least one widely distributed Slackware releases, so this problem is common. Original file from here down...... This is my port of Spice3f4 to Linux. It required a few more changes than the porting document indicated would be necessary, mostly to do with supported/unsupported functions in Linux libc & libm. I've tried to make these changes in as as portable a way as possible, so it should build cleanly on other Unicies, however I've removed the MS-DOS support so the tarred and gziped source fits on one disk. To build spice3, first have a look in the file readme, but you should be able to just do... ./util/build linux ./util/build install linux Note that there is a modifyer "gcc" you can try if you have trouble, but it claims to work around some obscure bug in gcc that I'm positive got fixed eons ago. To use it anyway, do ./util/build linux gcc. I found this source through archie, (look for spice3f3.tar.Z, and then patched it to 3f4 with patches from ic.berkeley.edu), I assume that the ftp site I got it from has read thier license from Berkeley, which if it's the same as the 3e2 license states that the holder can distribute copies free of charge provided it does not fall into hands unfriendly to the U.S. So... I guess if that's you, please destroy all copies of this you might have! Jeff@EE.Ryerson.Ca