Need simple models to estimate system performance in terms of signal delay and power dissipation.
Issues include:
Resistance, capacitance and inductance calculations.
Delay estimations.
Determination of conductor size for power and clock distribution.
Power consumption.
Charge sharing mechanisms.
Design Margining.
Effects of scaling.
The resistance of a uniform slab of conducting material may be expressed as
For example, in a layout editor, such as magic or virtuoso:
Channel resistance can be estimated in the
region as:
A range of 1,000 to 30,000 ohms/square are possible for n-channel and p-channel devices.
Typical betas for identically sized devices; n-dev: ~90, p-dev: ~30 microA/V
Temperature changes both mu (mobility) and V
(threshold voltage) and, therefore channel resistance.
Channel resistance increases with temperature, approximately +0.25% per degree C above 25 degrees.
Metal and poly resistance change about 0.3% and well diffusions about 1% per degree C.
Switching speed of MOS systems
Parasitic capacitances associated with the MOS transistor.
Interconnect capacitance of "wires".
Resistance of transistors and wires.
capacitance on the output of a CMOS gate is sum of:
Gate capacitance (of
logic gates downstream).
diffusion (source/drain) capacitance.
Routing (
) capacitance of substrate and other wires.
Let's consider approximations of each of these capacitances and subsequent approximations of delay based on these expressions.
The capacitance of a MOS transistor can be modeled using 5 capacitors.
An approximation of gate capacitance (C
, C
and C
) is given as:
For example, for thin-oxide thickness of 15 nm,
This is a conservative estimate of gate capacitance that does not include fringing fields (extrinsic) gate capacitance.
Gate capacitance increases as the thin-oxide thins.
An approximation (
lumped model
) of source/drain capacitance (C
and C
) is given as:
This model assumes a zero DC bias across the junction.
Because of fan-out,
capacitance usually dominates the loading.
Routing capacitance between metal and poly can be approximated using a parallel-plate model.
The effect of the fringing fields is to increase the effective area of the plates.
Appropriate if the wire delay is MUCH less than the gate delay, e.g.,
This expression derives from the expression for RC delay (we'll see this later).
As an example, assuming gate delay is 200ps, what is the maximum length of a minimal-width metal wire (in 1.0um technology) that we can use without worrying about the RC delay of the wire itself?
Assume Metal1 = 0.05 Ohms/square and 30 aF/um
But this assumes there is no gate load capacitance.
A conservative estimate is 5000 lambda (~16,330/3).
In a 1.0um process, RC delay MUST be considered for any wire > 2.5mm.
But for now, let's consider "electrical nodes" for which we can ignore distributed RC effects.
Our model and definitions:
Fall/rise time, e.g. t
, computed between 10% and 90% of V
Propagation delay, t
, computed at 50% points on input and output waveforms.
How do we model gate delay?
Assume input is driven by a step waveform (unlike previous slide).
Approximation for fall time:
Note that the input waveform's finite slope will also effect this result -- adding a small amount of additional delay which is ignored here -- see text for details.
For example, let's compute the delay between G
and G
If the wire delay ~= gate delay, then we will have to use a different approximation consisting of three components:
A wire can be represented in terms of several RC sections:
A discrete analysis of this circuit yields an approximate delay of:
As n becomes large (and the sections becomes small), this reduces to:
RC effect dominates for very long wires due to l
term, e.g., doubling the length of the wire, quadruples the delay.
For example, consider a long poly wire:
The buffer is one possible method of reducing the propagation delay.
Assume r = 20 Ohms/micron and c = 0.4 fF/micron, then:
The buffer version is faster if its delay is less then 8ns. This is easily achieved.
When are distributed RC effects important to consider:
Long wires with high resistance, e.g. poly wires.
Long, heavily loaded clock lines.
An example showing that reducing R at the expense of C helps a lot in some cases:
Assume clock wire runs over 20mm and 50pF is distributed evenly along the line.
Assume r = 0.05 Ohms/um.
Then clock skew (delay to the end of the wire) is:
Solutions include adding a buffer, distributing the clock from the top center and/or widening the metal wire.
For example, reducing l to 10mm and widening the clock wire to 20um:
How does the distributed RC model differ from lumped model?
Note that these effects are completely ignored in the simple gate delay model.
FYI: We estimate delay using RC time constants assuming that the time taken for a signal to reach 62.3% of its final value approximates the switching point of an inverter.
Construct an equivalent inverter, e.g.,
3-input NANDs are closely balanced since n beta is about 3 times larger than p beta.