Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
Associate Professor
School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
650 E Tyler Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281
Office: GWC 430
E-address: eirini@asu.edu
Dr. Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou is an Associate Professor with the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. Previously, she was an Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Area Chair, and Director of Recruiting and Admissions at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico. She obtained her Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens in 2008 and her MBA in techno-economics from the same institute in 2010. She graduated with a Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens in 2014. Her main research interests lie in the area of cyber-physical social systems and wireless heterogeneous networks, with emphasis on network modeling and optimization, resource orchestration in interdependent systems, reinforcement learning, game theory, network economics, and Internet of Things. Five of her papers received the Best Paper Award at IEEE WCNC in 2012, ADHOCNETS in 2015, IEEE/IFIP WMNC 2019, INFOCOM 2019 by the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Systems Integration and Modeling, and IEEE/ACM BRAINS 2020. She was selected by the IEEE Communication Society - N2Women - as one of the top ten Rising Stars of 2017 in the communications and networking field. She received the NSF CRII Award in 2019, the Early Career Award from the IEEE Communications Society Internet Technical Committee in 2019, the Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, School of Engineering, University of New Mexico in 2018, and the Research and Creative Works Leader Award, UNM, 2023. Her research is mainly supported by the Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and industry. She is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, IEEE Networking Letters, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE IT Professional, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. She is a co-chair of the N2 Women Community.
Recent News
March 2025, Dr. Tsiropoulou was recognized as IEEE INFOCOM 2025 TPC Distinguished Member.
March 2025, Our paper got accepted in Elsevier IoT! Congrats Joshua and Sadman!
March 2025, Our paper got accepted in IEEE Communications Standards Magazine!
March 2025, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as the TPC Co-Chair of GameSec 2025.
March 2025, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as the TPC Co-Chair of the International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (BSC 2025) .
February 2025, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as Track Chair of IEEE International Smart Cities Conference for the Smart Grid for Sustainable Cities and Virtual Power Plants track!
February 2025, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE LANMAN 2025.
February 2025, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE WiMob 2025.
February 2025, Our paper got accepted in IEEE TMC! Congrats Aisha!
February 2025, Our paper got accepted in Elsevier SIMPAT! Congrats Odyssefs and Aisha!
February 2025, Our paper got accepted in IEEE Access!
January 2025, Six of our papers got accepted in IEEE ICC 2025! Congratulations PROTON Lab!!
January 2025, Our paper got accepted in ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems! Congrats Sadman!
January 2025, Our paper got accepted in IEEE Access! Congrats Nicholas and Sadman!
January 2025, Our paper got accepted in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking! Congrats Aisha and Sadman!
Past Years
December 2024, PROTON Lab moved to ECEE, ASU! Onward and upward!
December 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou was selected as the Best Reviewer for 2024 by the IEEE OJCOMS!
December 2024, Our paper “Data Offloading in UAV-Assisted Multi-Access Edge Computing Systems Under Resource Uncertainty” is the runner-up for the 2023 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board!
December 2024, Our paper got accepted in LNET!
December 2024, Our paper got accepted in OJCOMS!
December 2024, Our paper got accepted in HOST 2025!
December 2024, Our paper got accepted in WONS 2025!
November 2024, Our first tutorial in Wireless Communications in Concentrated Solar Power Fields was delivered in IEEE WFIoT 2024. You can watch the full tutorial here!
October 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will deliver an invited talk on Wireless Communications in Concentrated Solar Power Fields at the IEEE Signal Processing and Computing for Communications Technical Committee on Oct. 22, 3 pm CET! Attend here!
October 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will deliver a tutorial @IEEE WF-IoT 2024 on Wireless Communication in Concentrated Solar Power Fields on Nov. 10!
September 2024, New journal papers accepted: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Future Internet, Energies!
August 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou is selected as Co-Chair of the N2 Women, IEEE Communications Society!
August 2024, 4 papers have been accepted to IEEE Globecom 2024! Congratulations PROTON Lab!
July 2024, 3 papers have been accepted to IEEE WF-IoT 2024! Congratulations PROTON Lab!
July 2024, New grant from NSF to perform joint research with the Army Research Lab!
July 2024, PROTON Lab's PhD student, Nicholas Kemp, defended his PhD with Distinction! Nicholas is continuing his career at the Sandia National Laboratories as a Senior Member of Technical Staff. Congratulations Nicholas!!
June 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as TPC Chair of IEEE SECON 2024.
June 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as Track Chair of TRACK 3: RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND MACHINE LEARNING, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference – IEEE WCNC 2025
May 2024, Our paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control!
April 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou is selected as Associate Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine!
April 2024, Our paper has been accepted to Future Internet!
April 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou is selected as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics!
March 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as TPC Chair of 15th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC 2024)!
March 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as TPC Chair of 7th Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things 2024!
March 2024, New paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems!
March 2024, Our paper ELEKTRA: Empowering prosumers with distributed prosumer grouping and game-theoretic energy procurement accepted for publication in Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier.
March 2024, New Grant for PROTON Lab from the SNL University Partnership Network Collaboration!
February 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as TPC Chair of IEEE CAMAD 2024.
January 2024, 4 papers from PROTON Lab were accepted to IEEE ICC 2024!
January 2024, Dr. Tsiropoulou will serve as General vice-Chair, IEEE WoWMoM 2024!
November 2023, Two new DoE grants for PROTON Lab to perform cybersecurity research in the field of Electric Vehicles!
October 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou became Associate Editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
September 2023, Our paper got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Networking!
Aug 2023, New NSF Award from the Directorate of Engineering for PROTON Lab! We are hiring!
Aug 2023, 4 of our papers have been accepted to IEEE Globecom 2023! Congratulations PROTON Lab!
July 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou will be the TPC Chair: Selected Areas in Communication, Social Networks Track, IEEE ICC 2024!
June 2023, Our paper "Alternative positioning, navigation, and timing enabled by games in satisfaction form and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces" has been accepted to IEEE Systems Journal!
June 2023, Our paper "PUF-Based, Lite-Weight Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocols for IoT Devices" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing!
May 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou will be the TPC Vice Chair for Information Systems (EDAS), INFOCOM 2024!
May 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou will be the Symposium Chair, IEEE Future Networks World Forum 2023, SYMPOSIUM ON ECONOMICS IN FUTURE NETWORKING!
May 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou will be the Workshops Chair for IEEE SMARTCOMP 2024!
May 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou will be the TPC Vice-Chair, ICDCN 2024!
May 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou will be the Workshops Chair, IEEE PERCOM 2024!
April 2023, New DoE grant for PROTON Lab! Department of Energy, HELIOCOMM: A Resilient Wireless Heliostats, April 2023 - April 2026, PI: Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, $450,000!
April 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou joined as a Steering Committee Member of the IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2023-2025!
April 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou received the Award of Distinguished Member of the INFOCOM 2023 Technical Program Committee!
April 2023, Two of our PhD students defended their PhD! Congratulations Fisayo and Nafis!
April 2023, Two of our MS students defended their MS Thesis! Congratulations Natasha and Ryan!
April 2023, Four of our papers will be presented to IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2023!
March 2023, Dr. Tsiropoulou chairs the Communications and Networking Symposium at IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (IEEE SmartGridComm 2023)
February 2023, Our paper "Reinforcement Learning-Based Demand Response Management in Smart Grid Systems With Prosumers" has been accepted to IEEE Systems Journal!
January 2023, Our paper "Design and analysis of digital communication within an SoC-based control system for trapped-ion quantum computing" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering!
January 2023, Our papers "How to become an Influencer in Social Networks" and "Efficient Power Control for Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks with Dual Connectivity" have been accepted to IEEE ICC 2023. Congratulations PROTON Lab!
December 2022, I am honored to receive a secondary appointment in the Department of Computer Science at The University of New Mexico - UNM! Looking forward to advising MS and Ph.D. CS students in the fields of Reinforcement Learning, Game Theory, Next Generation Networks, and Artificial Intelligence!
November 2022, I will be the Symposium Co-Chair for the Communication and Networking Technical Symposium, IEEE SmartGridComm 2023!
November 2022, I will be the Workshop Co-Chair for IEEE MASS 2023 (20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems)!
October 2022, I will be the Track Chair for Track 6: Social Networks, Mixed Reality, and Metaverse in the 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2023)
October 2022, New research grant for PROTON Lab! National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: RCBP-RF: CNS: RESCUE: Intelligent Public Safety based on Integrated Communications Systems, October 2022 - September 2024, PI: Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, $183,618.
September 2022, Our paper "Orchestration of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing" has been accepted in IEEE MILCOM 2022.
August 2022, Our paper "Incentives to Learn: A Location-based Federated Learning Model" has been accepted in IEEE Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium.
August 2022, Our papers "Network Economics-based Crowdsourcing in Online Social Networks" and "Competitive Energy Allocation for Aerial Computation Offloading: A Colonel Blotto Game" have been accepted in IEEE GLOBECOM 2022.
August 2022, Our paper "Museum and Visitor Interaction & Feedback Orchestration Enabled by Labor Economics" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
July 2022, Dr. Tsiropoulou will deliver a keynote at the N2Women Event of 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks -- IEEE ICCCN 2022, July 27, 2022, 11:15-13:00 EST!
July 2022, Our paper "Price and Risk Awareness for Data Offloading Decision-Making in Edge Computing Systems" has been accepted in IEEE Systems Journal.
June 2022, I will be the General Chair for IEEE HPSR 2023, organized in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA!
June 2022, Our paper "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces-enabled Edge Computing: A Location-aware Task Offloading Framework" has been accepted in ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies!
May 2022, I will be the Program Vice Chair for IEEE PerCom 2023!
April 2022, Our paper "On the Minimum Collisions Assignment Problem in Interdependent Networked Systems" has been accepted in 27th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2022!
April 2022, Our papers "Network Economics-based Crowdsourcing in UAV-assisted Smart Cities Environments" and "Network Economics-enabled Edge Computing in UAV-assisted Public Safety Systems" will be presented in 18th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2022!
March 2022, our paper "Dynamic Role Based Access Control Policy for Smart Grid Applications: An Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems!
February 2022, our paper "Prosumer-centric Self-sustained Smart Grid Systems" has been accepted in IEEE Systems Journal!
February 2022, New research grant for PROTON Lab! "Assessment of Public Key Infrastructures for Electric Vehicle Plug and Charge Systems" supported by Sandia National Laboratories.
February 2022, our paper "Incentive Mechanism and Resource Allocation for Edge-Fog Networks driven by Multi-Dimensional Contract and Game Theories" has been accepted in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society!
January 2022, Two of our papers, entitled "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces enabling Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Services" and "An Incentivization Mechanism for Green Computing Continuum of Delay-Tolerant Tasks" have been accepted to IEEE ICC 2022!
December 2021, Dr. Tsiropoulou receives the Dean's Excellence Award, School of Engineering, University of New Mexico
November 2021, Our paper "A Fragile multi-CPR Game" has been accepted in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.
November 2021, Our paper "The prospect of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces in integrated access and backhaul networks" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
October 2021, Our paper "Energy Efficient Edge Computing Enabled by Satisfaction Games and Approximate Computing" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
September 2021, Dr. Tsiropoulou was offered the position of Director of Recruiting and Admissions, ECE, UNM.
August 2021, Dr. Tsiropoulou gave an online seminar to the IEEE Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee.
August 2021, Dr. Tsiropoulou is elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.
August 2021, Dr. Tsiropoulou co-organized the NSF NETS EARLY-CAREER INVESTIGATOR (ECI) WORKSHOP.
July 2021, Our paper "The Joint Power of NOMA and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in SWIPT Networks" has been accepted in the 2021 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC).
June 2021, Our paper "Energy Efficient Multi-User Communications Aided by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and UAVs" has been accepted in the IEEE SMARTCOMP 2021.
June 2021, Our paper "Games in Normal and Satisfaction Form for Efficient Transmission Power Allocation under Dual 5G Wireless Multiple Access Paradigm" has been accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Networking.
May 2021, Dr. Tsiropoulou receives the IEEE Albuquerque Section's 2021 Undergraduate Engineering Student award.
May 2021, Our undergraduate student, Sara Kathryn LaTouf, receives the IEEE Albuquerque Section's 2021 Outstanding Engineering Educator award.
May 2021, Our paper "Rethinking Power Control in Wireless Networks: The Perspective of Satisfaction Equilibrium" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.
April 2021, Program Committee Co-Chair in IFIP WMNC 2021 - consider submitting your research works!
April 2021, Our paper "Truthful Decentralized Blockchain Oracles" has been accepted in International Journal of Network Management, Wiley.
March 2021, Our paper "Data Offloading in UAV-assisted Multi-access Edge Computing Systems under Resource Uncertainty" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
March 2021, Our paper "Secure LoRa Firmware Update with Adaptive Data Rate Techniques" has been accepted in SENSORS.
February 2021, Program Committee Co-Chair in ACM MobiWac 2021 - consider submitting your research works!
February 2021, Program Committee Co-Chair in IEEE ISCC 2021 - consider submitting your research works!
February 2021, Our paper "On blockchain-based cross-service communica-tion and resource orchestration on edge clouds" has been accepted in INFORMATICS.
January 2021, Three papers of PROTON Lab have been accepted in IEEE ICC 2021! 1) Health Data Acquisition from Wearable Devices during a Pandemic: A Techno-Economics Approach; 2) Data Acquisition in Social Internet of Things based on Contract Theory; 3) Resource Orchestration in UAV-assisted NOMA Wireless Networks: A Labor Economics Perspective. Congrats team!
December 2020, Our paper "Enhancing Privacy in PUF-Cash through Multiple Trusted Third Parties and Reinforcement Learning" has been accepted in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems.
October 2020, Our paper "Contract-theoretic Demand Response Management in Smart Grid Systems" has been accepted in IEEE Access.
September 2020, PROTON Lab receives Best Paper Award for our paper Y. Cai, G. Fragkos, E.E. Tsiropoulou, and A. Veneris, "A Truth-Inducing Sybil Resistant Decentralized Blockchain Oracle," in IEEE BRAINS, 2020.
September 2020, Our paper "Artificially Intelligent Electronic Money" has been accepted in IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.
September 2020, Our paper "Unified User Association and Contract-theoretic Resource Orchestration in NOMA Heterogeneous Wireless Networks" has been accepted in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
September 2020, Our paper "Artificial Intelligent Multi-Access Edge Computing Servers Management" has been accepted in IEEE Access.
August 2020, Our paper "A Paradigm Shift Towards Satisfaction, Realism and Efficiency in Wireless Networks" has been accepted in IEEE Network Magazine.
August 2020, Our papers "Contract-Theoretic Resource Control in Wireless Powered Communication Public Safety Systems" and "A UAV-enabled Dynamic Multi-Target Tracking and Sensing Framework" have been accepted in IEEE GLOBECOM 2020.
July 2020, Our paper "Secure Energy Constrained LoRa Mesh Network" has been accepted in AdHoc-Now 2020.
June 2020, Our paper "Blockchain-Based Slice Orchestration for Enabling Cross-Slice Communication at the Network Edge" has been accepted in the 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security.
June 2020, Our Ph.D. student Georgios Fragkos received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award 2020, IEEE Albuquerque Section for outstanding academic performance in the field of Computing and Communications. Congratulations George!
June 2020, Our papers "UAV-enabled Human Internet of Things" and "Artificial Intelligence Enabled Distributed Edge Computing for Internet of Things Applications" were presented in IEEE DCOSS 2020. Congratulations Kelly and George!
May 2020, Our paper "A Truth-Inducing Sybil Resistant Decentralized Blockchain Oracle" has been accepted in IEEE BRAINS 2020. Congratulations George!
May 2020, Our Ph.D. student Georgios Fragkos wins the Outstanding Graduate Student Award 2020, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico. Congratulations George!
March 2020, Our paper "Risk-aware Data Offloading in Multi-Server Multi-access Edge Computing Environment" has been accepted in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Congrats Pavlos!
March 2020, Our paper "Cognitive Data Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things" has been accepted in IEEE Access. Congrats Pavlos!
February 2020, Our paper "Resource Orchestration in Interference-Limited Small Cell Networks: A Contract-Theoretic Approach" has been accepted in the 10th International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NETGCOOP). Congrats Maro and George!
February 2020, Our paper "Reinforcement Learning Toward Decision-Making for Multiple Trusted-Third-Parties in PUF-Cash" has been accepted in IEEE WFIoT 2020. Congrats George!
January 2020, Our papers "Artificial Intelligence Empowered UAVs Data Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing" and "Socio-aware Public Safety Framework Design: A Contract Theory based Approach" are accepted in IEEE ICC 2020. Congrats PROTON Lab!
December 2019, Our paper "A Socio-Technical Approach to the Museum Congestion Management Problem" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
December 2019, Our paper "Exploiting Prospect Theory and Risk-awareness to Protect UAV-assisted Network Operation" is accepted by EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.
December 2019, Best Paper Awards (BPA) Committee GLOBECOM'2019
September 2019, PROTON Lab wins the Best Paper Award in the 12th Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, IEEE!
July 2019, Our NSF CRII project is highlighted in the KRQE news!
July 2019, My NSF CRII: NeTS: Real-life modeling for EFficient RESource management in Heterogeneous multi-user systems - REFRESH proposal got funded!Thank you NSF!
July 2019, Our paper “Risk-aware Social Cloud Computing based on Serverless Computing Model” is accepted by IEEE Globecom, 2019. Congratulations Pavlos!
July 2019, Our paper “Disaster Management and Information Transmission Decision-making in Public Safety Systems” is accepted by IEEE Globecom, 2019. Congratulations George!