ECE 321 -
Electronics I: Fall 2015
University of New Mexico
Dec. 13: For
those who are intereted in research, there is an REU opportunity at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY. For more infomration, please contact Mrs. Stefi
Weisburd at
Dec. 13: Congratilations to all of you for your
successful project. The winners of bonus credit are listed below:
7: The soluitons to the practice test 3 can
be found here.
2: In problem 4 of Homework 11, assume
that VT is 0.7V.
27: The
last homework was just posted. It is due on Friday Dec. 4, 2015.
Oct. 29: Here
is the lab instructions for Diode I-V, Rectifiers, and Clipping & Claming.
26: You
can download a free student version of PSPICE from here.
To start the tool, a sample input circuit file is here.
A comprehensive user's guide for PSPICE can be found here.
To get started, read the first few sections. Then you can find all commands
and deives in sections 3 and 4. You don't need to memorize all commands
or devices, but you have to know how to use a command or a device in your
SPICE file if you need it.
11: There is a typo in problem 3.30
of Homework 8. The transistor must be an NMOS.
3: To prepare for the test, here is a sample questions with solutions.
You can also find more questions by checking the previous exams on this
website (go to Exams).
Sept. 28: In problem 3.1 of Homework 7,
consider all transistors to be NMOS.
Sept. 27: There was a missing parameter
in paroblem 3 of HW6, which has beed corrected. The missing parameter
is LS=LD=1.5um.
Sept. 25: There was a type in homework 6,
which has beed corrected. femto is 1E-15 and ato is 1E-18. and the unit in
the question is fF.
Aug. 18: The labs start on the week of
August 31.
Aug. 17: First day of class.
Class: MW 4:00-5:15PM,
Room ME 218 (Mechanical Engineering), 4 credits
Office hours: Tuesdays
2:00-3:00PM, or by appointments
Office location: ECE
course is intended to be an introduction to the digital electronics.
The topics includes: Introduction to diodes, bipolar, and field-effect
transistors, as well as analysis, and design of digital circuits, gates,
flip-flops and memory circuits. The main objective of this course is
to provide the students with the basics of digital electronics starting
from analyzing the operation of a field effect transistor to the simulation,
layout and fabrication of digital logic circuits for combinational and
sequential logic applications.
Charles Hawkins, Jaume Segura, and Payman Zarkesh-Ha, "CMOS Digital
Integrated Circuits: A First Course," SciTech Publishing, December
15, 2012, ISBN: 978-1613530023
Neil Weste and David Harris, "CMOS
VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective," 4th Edition,
Addison Wesley, March 11, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0321547743
Class Contributions: 5%
Design Problem: 15%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 30%