Jim Plusquellic

Associate Professor, Department of ECE, UNM

ECE 595: Advanced VLSI Design

* Course Syllabus

* Prof. Reese's Std Cell Library Tutorial
* Mississippi State Std Library Tutorial (ppt)


* Design Flow Overview
* Virginia Tech Std Cell Tutorial


* 8/22/2016:
Install Redhat linux on your laptop
Goto support.cadence.com, login, download and install InstallScape
Install IC6.16 or IC6.17

Laboratory Notes:

* 8/30/2016:
Cadence server: 'setenv CDS_LIC_FILE 5280@firebird.ece.unm.edu'
Mentor Graphics server: 'setenv MGLS_LICENSE_FILE 1717@ece46sql01.ece.unm.edu'
* Don writes:
I took some notes of what packages were missing while I was getting CentOS 7 configured for cadence and I've included them below in case anyone else needs them. Other than missing packages I didn't really run into problems worth noting in my opinion.
sudo yum install glibc.i686 ksh xterm redhat-lsb redhat-lsb.i686


* Weste/Harris text book website

* Erik Brunvand's Tool Scripts Appendix

* NCSU main website
* NCSU website for PDK
* MOSIS website (for chip fabrication)

* Oklahoma State University Main site
* Virginia Tech Main page: Cadence Tutorials
* Mississippi state tutorials (somewhat dated)
* Wikipedia link to Standard Cell design methodology
* Chip talk

* Oklahoma State University std cell libraries
* Virginia Tech std cell library (TSMC 0.18/0.25/0.35)

* Integrated Circuit Hardware Analysis Laboratory (IC-HAL) Tutorials

Laboratory Notes:

* Cadence working directory files
* ELC: Encounter Library Characterizer (courtesy of Charles Lamech)
* CADENCE tutorials for beginners! (courtesy of Mike)


* Lab1
* Lab2 Files
* AES Design Files
* Lab3 Files
* Lab4 Files


* 8080 source code