Jim Plusquellic
Associate Professor, Department of
ECE 595: Advanced VLSI Design
Course Syllabus
Design Flow Overview
Stylus flowtool
Courtesy of Sriram Thokakura:
These are the instructions I use for the VPN to work on linux (PopOS, based on Ubuntu):
The package I used for the installation has GlobalProtect version 5.2.4
Linux version of VPN
Use the appropriate package for your distro Global Protect Installation Instructions (Most of the instructions are in this link).
PaloAlto instructions
Install the GUI version since we need SSO authentication in a browser window/GUI login using the university NetID.
Once you have it installed, I was not able to get the GUI to pop up again with the executable, so you have to enter 'globalprotect' to enter the CLI version and enter 'launch-ui' in the application.
Once the GUI opens, you can enter unmvpn.unm.edu for the login and you should be able to connect to the machines in the building using SSH.
Note: You might need to install the right packages for the SSO browser login to work for your desktop environment (Generally X11 or Wayland for KDE,GNOME)
Laboratory Notes:
Cadence server (csh file):
setenv CDS_LIC_FILE 5280@ece46licsrv.ece.unm.edu
Cadence server (bash file):
export CDS_LIC_FILE=5280@ece46licsrv.ece.unm.edu
Mentor Graphics server: 'setenv MGLS_LICENSE_FILE 1717@ece46sql01.ece.unm.edu'
Mentor server (csh file):
setenv MGLS_LICENSE_FILE 1717@
Mentor server (bash file):
export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=1717@
Cadence environment variables in my cshrc file (example ONLY -- you will need to edit this)
Cadence environment variables in Vishnu's bashrc file (this should work on the new machines in 215)
Redhat 8 and IC231 yum commands, courtesy of Vishnu
Cadence has a utility program called CheckSysConf that you can run to determine if all of the necessary libs, etc are installed.
Additional repos you can enable with Redhat if after running CheckSysConf, some 'yum install xxx' fail.
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-workstation-extras-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-workstation-optional-rpms
To list other repos that are available, use
subscription-manager repos --list
I needed this for Redhat 7:
yum install qt5-*
For Genus and Redhat 7, I needed to install
yum search lsb
yum install redhat-lsb.x86_64
yum install redhat-lsb-core.x86_64
Weste/Harris text book website
AES source code