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 Graduate Fellowships

Since 1996 the SUMMA Foundation awards on an annual basis a Graduate Fellowship in Advanced Electromagnetics to a graduate student studying electromagnetics. The grant is currently $15,000.

 Applications for the SUMMA Graduate Fellowships in Advanced Electromagnetics

 Summa Fellowship Recipients 1996-Present


  • For exceptionally creative contributions to the advancement of EM theory and applications.
  • Basically EM theory (conceptual, new ideas), but with apparent potential applications (antennas, scattering, propagation, other EM devices).
    - not just mathematical oddities.
  • Might borrow concepts form other areas of science (physics, math, etc.), which have not been significantly applied to electromagnetics.
    - but the primary emphasis must be results in electromagnetics (e.g. not quantum mechanics, biochemistry, etc.)
  • There is a parallel between electromagnetics and acoustics/elastodynamics, but the emphasis should be electromagnetics.

Awarded To

  • Graduate students studying electromagnetics to pursue Ph.D. - may be currently candidate for M.S. or early in Ph.D. work.
  • Expect primary interest to students in electrical engineering specializing in electromagnetics, but occasionally students in physics, mathematics, (and geophysics) may be appropriate.
  • Scope: International - except in cases where legal problems raise difficulty.

Conflict of Interest

  • Persons related (immediate family members) or close associates of any members of the evaluation committee or SUMMA officers/board members are ineligible.


  • The award is now set as a one-time grant of $15,000. This amount is to be spent in development of the ideas described in prorposal in pursuit of the Ph. D. (or equivalent degree) at a schedule to be determined by the student and the university.
  • If in the judgment of the committee there is no proposal of sufficiently high quality, no fellowship award need be made.
  • It is anticipated that one such award will be given each year.


  • At least 5 double-spaced pages (in Enlish and standard EM symbols and units), but no more that 20 pages. Explain the concepts, originality and potential applications.
  • Due to the chairman of the evaluation committee by the announced due date (usually Feb 1).
  • Must be endorsed by the student's faculty advisor and supported by the university department or subdepartment (e.g. antenna laboratory). (same schedule).
  • The faculty advisor should submit (same schedule) an evaluation of the student's progress to date including the student's graduate history and plans toward the Ph. D.
  • Require 3 other recommendations.

Evaluation committee

  • Chairman: Local person appointed by SUMMA President or designee.
  • Chairman recruits members (say 6 or so, but exact number unimportant) with concurrence of president or designee. Members must be eminent in EM field, typically, but not always, university professors (including retired).
  • Proposals and supporting material sent by chairman to other committee members within a few days of due date.
  • Opinions (votes) of members to chairman no later than 2 months before award date.
  • Chairman tallies votes and consults with, if necessary, (phone/fax) to obtain consensus. Reports decision to SUMMA (president) for concurrence.
  • Notifies winner (if any) of award. Committee may decide no award if not impressed with proposals. Decision of the foundation is final.
  • Chairman may request additional information from candidate and supporting faculty.

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