ECE 525: Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust
Instructor: Jim Plusquellic
Department of
HOST Flyer
Course Description
Course Introduction (video)
HOST Introduction (PDF)
HOST Introduction I (video)
Crypto I (PDF)
Crypto I(A) (video)
Crypto I(B) (video)
Crypto I(C) (video)
Crypto II (PDF)
Crypto II(A) (video)
Crypto II(B) (video)
Crypto II(C) (video)
Crypto III (PDF)
Crypto III(A) (video)
Crypto III(B) (video)
Crypto III(C) (video)
PUFs I(A) (video)
PUFs I(B) (video)
PUFs I(C) (video)
PUFs I(D) (video)
PUFs I(E) (video)
PUFs I(F) (video)
PUFs I(G) (video)
PUFs II(A) (video)
PUFs II(B) (video)
PUFs II(C) (video)
PUFs II(D) (video)
PUFs II(E) (video)
PUFs II(F) (HELP) (video)
PUFs II(G) (HELP) (video)
PUFs II(H) (HELP) (video)
PUFs II(I) (HELP) (video)
PUFs II(J) (HELP) (video)
Authentication Overview (PDF)
Authentication Overview (A) (video)
Authentication Overview (B) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication (PDF)
PUF-Based Authentication (A) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication (B) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication (C) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (PDF)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (A) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (B) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (C) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (D) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (E) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (F) (HELP Protocol) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (G) (HELP Protocol) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (H) (HELP Protocol) (video)
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols (I) (HELP Protocol) (video)
Hardware Trojans I (PDF)
Hardware Trojans I (A) (video)
Hardware Trojans I (B) (video)
Hardware Trojans I (C) (video)
Hardware Trojans I (D) (video)
Hardware Trojans I (E) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (PDF)
Hardware Trojans II (A) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (B) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (C) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (D) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (E) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (F) (video)
Hardware Trojans II (G) (video)
Side-Channel Attacks (PDF)
Side-Channel Attacks (A) (video)
Side-Channel Attacks (B) (video)
Side-Channel Attacks (C) (video)
SCA CounterMeasures I (PDF)
SCA CounterMeasures (A) (video)
SCA CounterMeasures (B) (video)
SCA CounterMeasures (C) (video)
SCA CounterMeasures II (PDF)
SCA CounterMeasures II (A) (SPREAD) (video)
SCA CounterMeasures II (B) (SPREAD) (video)
Obfuscation I (PDF)
Study Guide Questions
HOST Introduction
Crypto I
Crypto II
Crypto III
Authentication Overview
PUF-Based Authentication
PUF-Based Authentication Protocols
Hardware Trojans I
Hardware Trojans II
Side-Channel Attacks
SCA CounterMeasures I
SCA CounterMeasures II
Book Chapters
PUF-Based Authentication, J. Plusquellic
Detecting Hardware Trojans using Delay Analysis, J. Plusquellic and F. Saqib
Supplemental Material
Hardware Trojans III (PDF)
Practical Aspects of PUFs
Software and Hardware Tradeoffs
Manufacturing Test Basics
Sample midterm exam
AES Crypto Core
Project twofish
TripleDES vectors
"Implementation of DES Algorithm Using FPGA Technology", Arnaud Lagger, Ilhan Hatirnaz, and Yusuf Leblebici
"A VHDL Implemetation of the Advanced Encryption Standard-Rijndael Algorithm", Rajender Manteena
Diffie-Hellman key exchange -- plug in the keyword 'Diffie-Hellman' in wikipedia
"Videos on the Enigma machine
Avi Kak ( RSA Lecture 12
Stefan Mangard, Elisabeth Oswald and Thomas Popp, "Power Analysis Attacks, Revealing the Secrets of Smart Cards" SpringLink Text (on line)
Birthday paradox
News Articles
"The chip industry's open secret: Adversaries' military tech relies on U.S. components", Kristina Partsinevelos and Cait Freda, 2023
"New Evidence of Hacked Supermicro Hardware Found in U.S. Telecom", 10/9/2018
"The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies", 10/4/2018
"A Critical Intel Flaw Breaks Basic Security for Most Computers", 1/3/2018
"Intel Confronts Potential ‘PR Nightmare’ With Reported Chip Flaw", 1/3/2018
"DHS, FBI Warn of Cyberattack Threat to Nation's Power Grid", 4/10/2016
"FBI says car hacking is a real risk", 3/18/2016
"Inside the Cunning, Unprecedented Hack of Ukraine's Power Grid", 3/3/2016
"Comcast Security Flaw Could Help Burglars Break into Homes Undetected", 1/5/2016
"Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway - With Me in It", 7/21/2015
"California Could Require a 'Kill Switch' for Every Smartphone", 2/7/2014
Spy agencies shun Lenovo, finding backdoors built into the hardware, 6/30/2013
How I Hacked An Electronic Voting Machine by By Roger Johnston, 11/5/2012
"Defense Logistics Agency, Combating Counterfeits, by Beth Reece
"Applied DNA Science Product Description SigNature
"PUF - Physical Unclonable Function: Protecting next-generation Smart Card ICs with SRAM-based PUFs
"Reflections on Trusting Trust by Ken Thompson", Aug. 1984
"Backdoor (computing)"
"Cyberattacks on Iran -- Stuxnet and Flame", NORMAN ASA, via PR Newswire, Aug. 9th, 2012
"ALLARD: Who leaked the Stuxnet virus attack on Iran?", By Col. Ken Allard, Jan. 18th, 2013
"Los Alamos replaces computer switches because of security concerns, Jan. 13th, 2013
"Gone in 3 Minutes: Keyless BMWs a Boon to Hacker Thieves", Kim Zetter,, July 10th, 2012
"Chinese Microchips Are Considered Impossible To Regulate", David Fulghum, Bill Sweetman, Jen DiMascio, June 4th, 2012
"Experts dispute threat posed by backdoor found in Chinese chip", Steven Musil, May 29th, 2012
"Report reveals fake chips in U.S. military hardware", Peter Clarke, May 23, 2012
"Clamping Down on Counterfeits", Tam Harbert, February 22, 2012
"State of SCADA Security Worries Researchers", Feb. 2012
"Researchers: Don't trust satellite phones", encryption broken, Feb. 2012
"Counterfeit Parts Found on P-8 Posiedons", DefenseTech, November 8th, 2011
"U.S. official says pre-infected computer tech entering country", M. Alex Johnson, MSNBC, July 8th, 2011
"The Navy Bought Fake Chinese Microchips That Could Have Disarmed U.S. Missiles", Robert Johnson, Business Insider, June 27th, 2011
"The Hunt for the Kill Switch", Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, May 2008
"Counterfeit Chips Raise Big Hacking, Terror Threats, Experts Say", Glenn Derene and Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, April 2008
"Fairy Dust, Secrets, and the Real World", S.W. Smith, Security and Privacy
"Princeton Professor Finds No Hardware Security In E-Voting Machine", Antone Gonsalves, InformationWeek, Feb. 2007
"Cunning Circuits Confound Crooks", Brian Dipert, EDN, 2000
"Secure Chips for Gadgets Set to Soar", John P. Mello Jr,, TechNewsWorld, 2007
"Six Decades of Cryptography", Rodney Gedda, 2009 (Courtesy of Colby)
"Old Trick Threatens the Newest Weapons", JOHN MARKOFF, New York Times, Science, Oct 27th, 2009
Can DARPA Fix the Cybersecurity 'Problem From Hell?, Aug, 2011
"Good Chip, Bad Chip, Evil Chip: Viterbi Experts Developing Tests to Tell Which is Which", July, 2011
Government Hardware Trojan Reports
"Defense Science Board Task Force On HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROCHIP SUPPLY", Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Feb. 2005
"White Paper: National Security Aspects of the Global Migration of the U.S. Semiconductor Industry", Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, June 2003
"TRUST, A Proposed Plan for Trusted Integrated Circuits", Dean. R. Collins, Deputy Director Microsystems Technology Office, DARPA
Supplimentary Reading
Handbook of Applied Cryptography, A. J. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot and S. A. Vanstone
Physical Unclonable Functions, Constructions, Properties and Applications, R. Maes
"Trojan Detection using IC Fingerprinting", Dakshi Agrawal, Selcuk Baktir, Deniz Karakoyunlu, Pankaj Rohatgi and Berk Sunar, Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2007
"Physical One-Way Functions", Ravikanth Pappu, Ben Recht, Jason Taylor, Neil Gershenfeld, Science, Vol. 297. no. 5589, Sept. 2002, pp. 2026-2030.
Laboratory Support
Download from NIST site, untar, compile and run either one or more of the data sets in the NIST 'data' directory.
Diehard test suite
Digilent ZYBO Z7-10 Board Website
NOTE: The ZYBO Z7-10 does NOT ship with a microSD, a microUSB or a short ethernet cable. You must also buy these at your favorite place on-line or Walmart/Target.
ZYBO Z7-10 Master XDC file
ZYBO Z7-10 Boot Files
ZYBO Z7-10 Board Files (Add these files to (Xilinx_install_dir)/Vivado/2017.2/data/boards/board_files/zybo-z7-10/A.0/ directory)
ZYBO Z7-10 Boot Files with sqlite3 + JTAG
Digilent Cora Z7 Board Website
NOTE: The Cora Z7-07S does NOT ship with a microSD, a microUSB or a short ethernet cable. You must also buy these at your favorite place on-line or Walmart/Target.
Cora Z7-07S Master XDC file
CORA Z7-10 Boot Files
CORA Z7-07S Board Files (Add these files to (Xilinx_install_dir)/Vivado/2017.2/data/boards/board_files/cora-z7-07s/B.0/ directory)
FPGA Links:
Zynq SoC Overview
Ivan Bow's tutorial on how to run linux on a Window's 10 machine
Laboratory Lectures:
Vivado: Installation, Part A (video)
Vivado: Installation, Part B (video)
SDK Instruction, HELP Enrollment (video)
Network instructions (PDF)
Lab Grading Criteria (applies to all labs except Lab0) (PDF)
Jim Plusquellic /