ECE 338: Intermediate Logic Design
Instructor: Jim Plusquellic
Department of
Course Syllabus
Lectures and Screen Casts
VHDL Essentials I
VHDL Essentials I(A) (video)
VHDL Essentials I(B) (video)
VHDL Essentials I(C) (video)
VHDL Essentials II
VHDL Essentials II(A) (video)
VHDL Essentials II(B) (video)
VHDL Essentials III
VHDL Essentials III(A) (video)
VHDL Essentials III(B) (video)
VHDL Essentials III(C) (video)
VHDL Essentials IV
VHDL Essentials IV(A) (video)
VHDL Essentials IV(B) (video)
VHDL Essentials IV(C) (video)
VHDL Essentials IV(D) (video)
VHDL Essentials V
VHDL Essentials V(A) (video)
VHDL Essentials V(B) (video)
VHDL Essentials V(C) (video)
VHDL Essentials V(D) (video)
Supplemental Lecture Material
Course Introduction
VHDL Overview
VHDL Essentials
Concurrent Signal Assignment
Sequential Statements
VHDL Synthesis
Combinational Design
Sequential Design: Principles
Sequential Design: Practice
Finite State Machines
RTL: Principles
RTL: Practice
Supplementary Laboratory Material:
Xilinx generated schematics from lecture slides
UART documentation and VHDL code
VGA documentation and VHDL code
Divider VHDL code
Sample Final Exam
Prof. Pong Chu's slides
Digilent Zybo page + tutorials
Zynq SoC Overview
Block diagrams from Zynq SoC Overview
Laboratory Notes: ZYBO:
Some of you are using the ZYBO board you bought in my previous classes. Here are the corresponding links for ZYBO.
ZYBO Z7-10 Master XDC file
ZYBO Z7-10 Boot Files
ZYBO Z7-20 Boot Files
ZYBO Z7-10 Board Files (Add these files to (Xilinx_install_dir)/Vivado/2020.2/data/boards/board_files/zybo-z7-10/A.0/ directory)
Ivan Bow's tutorial on how to run linux on a Window's 10 machine
ZYBO Z7-07S Purchase, Vivado Installation, Board Files, BOOT Instructions
FPGA Architecture
Laboratory Lectures:
Vivado: Installation, Part A (video)
Vivado: Installation, Part B (video)
Vivado: Create Project, Part A (video)
Vivado: Create Project, Part B (video)
Vivado: Synthesis, Part A (video)
Vivado: Synthesis, Part B (video)
Vivado: Program FPGA (video)
Vivado: Hardware Demo: Even Detector (video)
Vivado: SoC Programming Concepts (video)
Vivado: Block Diagram Tool, Part A (video)
Vivado: Block Diagram Tool, Part B (video)
Vivado: Adding Custom VHDL to the Block Diagram, Part A (video)
Vivado: Adding Custom VHDL to the Block Diagram, Part B (video)
Vivado: Adding Custom VHDL to the Block Diagram, Part C (video)
Vivado: SDK I(A), Create Application (video)
Vivado: SDK I(B), Create Application (video)
Zach Montoya and Andrew Rodriguez: Vitis and scp Ubuntu Instructions
Please print out all lab reports and give them to me in class on the day they are due. DO NOT EMAIL THEM TO ME. I will NOT accept them through email.
Lab 0 Assignment: Create project, Synthesize, Program FPGA and carry out Hardware Demo using even detector
Lab 1 Assignment: Create project, Synthesize, Inspect schematic
Lab 2 Assignment: Create project, Synthesize, Inspect schematic, Compose your own VHDL
Lab 3 Assignment: Create project, Synthesize, Inspect schematic, Compose your own VHDL
Lab 4 Assignment: Create project, Synthesize, Inspect schematic, Compose your own VHDL
Lab 5 Assignment: Create project, Synthesize, Inspect schematic, Compose your own VHDL
Lab 6 Assignment: Implement a block diagram in Vivado
Lab 7 Assignment: Utilize the multiplier from a C program
Lab 8 Practice: Read/write to PL-side BRAM from a C program
Vivado project with HDMI driver and state machine for PS-PL GPIO (Vivado 2018.2)(HDMI driver courtesy of Charles Helmich): Note you must delete the user repository and re-add it, see Ben's video in announcements on canvas. Prepare live in-class demo
Pong Game: Vivado project with HDMI driver and state machine for PS-PL GPIO (Vivado 2018.2)(HDMI driver courtesy of Charles Helmich): : Note you must delete the user repository and re-add it, see Ben's video in announcements on canvas. Prepare live in-class demo
Ben's video on how to refresh the repo for the HDMI driver (NOTE: Be sure to set the jumper to QPSI, NOT SD card)
Simulation Example: BRAM
BRAM simulation project (tar.gz)
Everyone needs to pick a partner and decide on the game that they want to implement by Mon, Oct. 23rd. As specified in the project description, the Pong game will be provided as a template, and you can at a minimum just add features to Pong to pass the course. But you are encouraged to pick a completely different game, one that you will have fun coding in VHDL. I will provide you with the HDMI module that you will need to add to your block diagram next week so you can get Pong up and running.
You are not allowed to leverage any VHDL that exists in public respositories (I have a list of links that I've maintained over the years that I check periodically). I will inspect your code as you develop it and it is relatively easy to distinguish student VHDL from public versions. Plus you will present features of your game live in class incrementally until the project demos are given at the end of the term, and I'll have the opportunity to watch you develop the game. I will also ask you at some point to update your code to make a change to a feature of your game as a mechanism to test your knowledge of your own code, so play it safe and write your own VHDL!
Project Description
Jim Plusquellic /