Sensor & Simulation (EMP-1)
These are the Sensor & Simulation Notes, EMP-1, Notes 1-585, assembled by Dr. Carl E. Baum.
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SSN 1, R. E. Partridge, EMP Testing Facility, 25 Feb 64, Los Alamos National Laboratory
SSN 2, R. E. Partridge, "Invisible" Absolute E-Field Probe, Feb 64, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
SSN 3, R. E. Partridge, Combined E and B-Dot Sensor, Feb 64, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
SSN 4, K. Theobald, On the Properties of Loop Antennas, 14 Feb 64, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
SSN 5, C. E. Baum, Underground Testing of Close-In EM Sensors, 6 Oct 64, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 6, C. E. Baum, Minimizing Transit Time Effects in Sensor Cables, 16 Oct 64, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 7, C. E. Baum, Characteristics of the Moebius Strip Loop, 3 Dec 64, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 8, C. E. Baum, Maximizing Frequency Response of a B-Dot Loop, 9 Dec 64, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 9, C. E. Baum, A Compton Diode for Measuring Both the Gamma Flux and One Component of the Gamma Current, 24 Dec 64, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 10, S. Kronenberg and H. L. Berkowitz, Description of Gamma Anisotropy Sensor (BEATLE), Jan 65, U.S. Army Electronics Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
SSN 11, R. E. Partridge, Capacitive Probe E-Field Sensors, 10 Feb 65, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
SSN 12, C. E. Baum, A Space Charge Limited Radiation Detector, 8 Jan 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 13, C. E. Baum, Electric Field and Current Density Measurements in Media of Constant Conductivity, 8 Jan 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 14, G. L. Fjetland, Design Considerations for a Special Twinaxial Cable, 17 Mar 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 15, C. E. Baum, Radiation and Conductivity Constraints on the Design of a Dipole Electric Field Sensor, 11 Feb 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 16, C. E. Baum, Some Limitations on Microwave Air-Conductivity Measurements, 30 Sep 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 17, C. E. Baum, A Detector Geometry for Measuring Both the Gamma Flux and One Component of the Gamma Current, 1 Dec 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 18, L. E. Orsak and A. L. Whitson, Electric Field Sensor for EMP Simulators, Dec 65, Stanford Research Institute
SSN 19, C. E. Baum, Combining Voltage or Current Dividers with Sensor Cables, 3 Nov 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 20, C. E. Baum, A Detector Geometry for Measuring the Vertical Gamma Current, 29 Nov 65, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 21, C. E. Baum, Impedances and Field Distributions for Parallel Plate Transmission Line Simulators, 6 Jun 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 22, C. E. Baum, A Transmission Line EMP Simulation Technique for Buried Structures, 6 Jun 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 23, C. E. Baum, A Technique for the Distribution of Signal Inputs to Loops, 27 Jul 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 24, C. E. Baum, A Technique for Measuring Electric Fields Associated with Internal EMP, 1 Aug 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 25, C. E. Baum, The Multiple Moebius Strip Loop, 20 Aug 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 26, C. E. Baum, The Influence of Finite Soil and Water Conductivity on Close-In Surface Electric Field Measurements, 24 Sep 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 27, C. E. Baum, Impedances and Field Distributions for Symmetrical Two Wire and Four Wire Transmission Line Simulators, 10 Oct 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 28, H. L. Berkowitz, A Method for Treating the Scattering of Radiation in Bodies of Arbitrary Convex Geometry, Oct 66, U.S. Army Electronics Laboratories, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
SSN 29, C. E. Baum, The Influence of Radiation and Conductivity on B Loop Design, 28 Oct 66, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 30, C. E. Baum, The Single-Gap Cylindrical Loop in Non-Conducting and Conducting Media, 16 Jan 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 31, C. E. Baum, The Conical Transmission Line as a Wave Launcher and Terminator for a Cylindrical Transmission Line, 16 Jan 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 32, C. E. Baum, A Lens Technique for Transitioning Waves Between Conical and Cylindrical Transmission Lines, 25 Jan 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 33, C. E. Baum, Two Types of Vertical Current Density Sensors, 4 Feb 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 34, R. S. Hebbert and L. J. Schwee, Thin Film Magnetoresistance Magnetometer, Feb 67, Naval Ordnance Laboratory
SSN 35, W. E. Blair, Electromagnetic Fields from a Finite Line-Current Element, Dec 66, Stanford Research Institute
SSN 36, C. E. Baum, A Circular Conical Antenna Simulator, 3 Mar 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 37, C. E. Baum, The Brewster Angle Wave Matcher, 13 Mar 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 38, C. E. Baum, Parameters for Some Electrically-Small Electromagnetic Sensors, 21 Mar 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 39, C. E. Baum, Some Electromagnetic Considerations for a Sea-Water-Based Platform for Electromagnetic Sensors, 27 Mar 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 40, C. E. Baum, Conducting Shields for Electrically-Small Cylindrical Loops, 6 May 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 41, C. E. Baum, The Multi-Gap Cylindrical Loop in Non-Conducting Media, 22 May 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 42, C. E. Baum, A Conical-Transmission-Line Gap for a Cylindrical Loop, 31 May 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 43, C. E. Baum, Some Considerations for Electrically-Small Multi-Turn Cylindrical Loops, 31 May 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 44, C. E. Baum, The Capacitor Driven, Open Circuited Buried-Transmission Line Simulator, 15 Jun 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 45, R. W. Sassman, R. W. Latham, and A. G. Berger, Electromagnetic Scattering from a Conducting Post, Jun 67, Northrop Nortronics
SSN 46, C. E. Baum, The Single-Conductor, Planar, Uniform Surface Transmission Line, Driven from One End, 15 Jul 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 47, C. E. Baum, The Diffraction of an Electromagnetic Plane Wave at a Bend in a Perfectly Conducting Planar Sheet, 9 Aug 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 48, C. E. Baum, The Planar, Uniform Surface Transmission Line Driven from a Sheet Source, 10 Aug 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 49, C. E. Baum, The Buried-Transmission-Line Simulator Driven by Multiple Capacitive Sources, 26 Aug 67, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 50, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, The Buried Transmission Line Simulator with an Inductive Energy Source, Apr 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
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SSN 51, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Minimization of Induced Currents by Impedance Loading, 4 Apr 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 52, T. L. Brown and K. D. Granzow, A Parameter Study of Two Parallel Plate Transmission Line Simulators of EMP Sensor and Simulation Note 21, 19 Apr 68, Dikewood Corp., DC-TN-2065-1
SSN 53, C. E. Baum, Admittance Sheets for Terminating High-Frequency Transmission Lines, 18 Apr 68, Air Force Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology
SSN 54, G. W. Carlisle, Matching the Impedance of Multiple Transitions to a Parallel-Plate Transmission Line, 2 Apr 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 55, R. W. Latham, Interaction Between a Cylindrical Test Body and a Parallel Plate Simulator, May 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 56, C. E. Baum, Some Electromagnetic Considerations for a Rocket Platform for Electromagnetic Sensors, 8 Jun 68, Air Force Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology
SSN 57, C. E. Baum, A Distributed Inductor for Use with a Two-Dimensional Simulator Structure, 25 Jun 68, Air Force Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology
SSN 58, G. W. Carlisle, Positioning of Rods for Uniform TEM Waves, Jul 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 59, C. E. Baum, Some Considerations for Inductive Current Sensors, 6 Jul 68, Air Force Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology
SSN 60, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Waveforms on a Surface Transmission Line with an Inductive Load, Aug 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 61, R. W. Sassman, R. W. Latham, and K. S. H. Lee, A Numerical Study on Minimization of Induced Currents by Impedance Loading, Aug 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 62, T. L. Brown, A Parameter Study of Open-Circuited and Short-Circuited Transmission Line Simulation for Buried Structures of EMP Sensor and Simulation Note 22, Sep 68, Dikewood Corp., DC-TN-2065-2
SSN 63, A. D. Varvatsis, End Correction for a Buried Transmission-Line Simulator, Sep 68, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 64, C. E. Baum, A Scaling Technique for the Design of Idealized Electromagnetic Lenses, 22 Aug 68, Air Force Institute of Technology and California Institute of Technology
SSN 65, C. E. Baum, Some Limiting Low-Frequency Characteristics of a Pulse-Radiating Antenna, 28 Oct 68, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 66, C. E. Baum, A Simplified Two-Dimensional Model for the Fields Above the Distributed-Source Surface Transmission Line, 20 Dec 68, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 67, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Inductance of Periodic Distributed Inductors, Jan 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 68, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Termination of Two Parallel Semi-Infinite Plates by a Matched Admittance Sheet, Jan 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 69, C. E. Baum, Design of a Pulse-Radiating Dipole Antenna as Related to High-Frequency and Low-Frequency Limits, 13 Jan 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 70, D. E. Merewether, Transient Pulse Transmission Using Impedance Loaded Cylindrical Antennas, Feb 68, University of New Mexico and Sandia Corp., SC-CR-68-3547
SSN 71, D. E. Merewether, Transient Electromagnetic Fields Near a Cylindrical Antenna Multiply-Loaded with Lumped Resistors, Aug 68, Sandia Corp., SC-DR-68-549
SSN 72, C. E. Baum, An Equivalent-Charge Method for Defining Geometries of Dipole Antennas, 24 Jan 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, AD A956083
SSN 73, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Pulse Radiation and Synthesis by an Infinite Cylindrical Antenna, Feb 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 74, C. E. Baum, Parameters for Electrically-Small Loops and Dipoles Expressed in Terms of Current and Charge Distributions, 31 Jan 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 75, M. G. Roberts and K. D. Granzow, A Model for Transient Reflections from Objects within an Above-Ground Simulator, Mar 69, Dikewood Corp., DC-TR-2065-5
SSN 76, D. W. Milligan, The Buried Transmission-Line Simulator Driven by Multiple Capacitive Sources and an Inductive Source, Mar 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 77, G. W. Carlisle, Waveforms on a Lossy Non-Uniform Surface Transmission Line, Mar 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 78, C. E. Baum, Electrically-Small Cylindrical Loops for Measuring the Magnetic Field Perpendicular to the Cylinder Axis, 17 Mar 69, Air Force Weapons
SSN 79, J. P. Martinez and K. D. Granzow, Three- and Four-Branch RLC Network Energy Sources for the Buried Transmission Line EMP Simulator, Feb 69, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 80, C. E. Baum, The Circular Parallel-Plate Dipole, 31 Mar 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 81, C. E. Baum, Resistively Loaded Radiating Dipole Based on a Transmission-Line Model for the Antenna, 7 Apr 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 82, C. E. Baum, Some Considerations Concerning a Horizontally Polarized Transmission-Line Simulator, 12 Apr 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 83, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Radiation of an Infinite Cylindrical Antenna with Uniform Resistive Loading, Apr 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 84, C. E. Baum, The Distributed Source for Launching Spherical Waves, 2 May 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 85, R. W. Latham, K. S. H. Lee, and G. W. Carlisle, Division of a Two-Plate Line into Sections with Equal Impedance, Jul 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 86, C. E. Baum, Some Further Considerations for the Circular Parallel-Plate Dipole, 28 Jun 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 87, C. E. Baum, A Distributed-Source Conducting-Medium Simulator for Structures Near and Below the Ground Surface, 9 Jul 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 88, M. M. Judy and W. R. Eberle, A Laboratory Method for the Measurement of the Dielectric Constant of Rock and Soil Samples in the Frequency Range 10 - 10 Hertz, Jun 69, U.S. Geological Survey
SSN 89, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Waveforms Near a Cylindrical Antenna, Jun 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 90, G. W. Carlisle, Impedance and Fields of Two Parallel Plates of Unequal Breadths, Jul 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 91, C. E. Baum, The Single-Gap Hollow Spherical Dipole in Non-Conducting Media, 17 Jul 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 92, C. E. Baum, A Parametric Study of the Uniform Surface Transmission Line Driven by a Step Function Voltage and Terminated in its High-Frequency Characteristic Impedance, 9 Aug 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 93, R. W. Latham, K. S. H. Lee, and R. W. Sassman, Minimization of Current Distortions on a Cylindrical Post Piercing a Parallel-Plate Waveguide, Sep 69, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 94, C. E. Baum, Some Considerations Concerning a Simulator with the Geometry of a Half Toroid Joined to a Ground or Water Surface, 17 Nov 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 95, C. E. Baum, A Sloped Admittance Sheet Plus Coplanar Conducting Flanges as a Matched Termination of a Two-Dimensional Parallel-Plate Transmission Line, 31 Dec 69, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 96, W. E. Page and D. H. Peterson, A Numerical Method for Computing the Propagation of an Electromagnetic Pulse Guided Over a Material Interface, Jan 70, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 97, C. E. Baum, Some Considerations Concerning a Simulator with the Geometry of a Cylinder Parallel to and Close to a Ground or Water Surface, 28 Jan 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 98, C. E. Baum, The Circular Flush-Plate Dipole in a Conducting Plane and Located in Non-Conducting Media, 5 Feb 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 99, C. D. Taylor and G. A. Steigerwald, On the Pulse Excitation of a Cylinder in a Parallel Plate Waveguide, Mar 70, Mississippi State University and Sandia Labs
SSN 100, C. E. Baum, Some Characteristics of Planar Distributed Sources for Radiating Transient Pulses, 12 Mar 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
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SSN 101, L. Marin, Radiation from a Resistive Tubular Antenna Excited by a Step Voltage, Mar 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 102, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Magnetic-Field Distortion by a Specific Axisymmetric, Semi-Infinite, Perfectly Conducting Body, Apr 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 103, D. L. Wright, Sloped Parallel Resistive Rod Terminations for Two-Dimensional Parallel-Plate Transmission Lines, 7 May 70, EG&G
SSN 104, C. D. Taylor and T. H. Shumpert, Electromagnetic Pulse Generation by an Impedance Loaded Dipole Antenna, 15 Nov 68, Mississippi State University
SSN 105, T. H. Shumpert, Some Theoretical-Numerical Procedures for the Study of the Impedance Loaded Dipole Antenna, Aug 69, Mississippi State University
SSN 106, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Disk in a Circular Aperture, May 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 107, D. E. Merewether, The Dipole Pulser as a Tool for Studying the Transient Response of EMP Sensors, May 70, Sandia Laboratories
SSN 108, C. E. Baum, Distributed Sources and Terminations for Launching and Terminating Plane Waves Either with or without a Reflected Plane Wave, 23 May 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 109, C. E. Baum, Two Approaches to the Measurement of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Incident on the Surface of the Earth, 13 Jun 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 110, P. R. Barnes, Pulse Radiation by an Infinitely Long, Perfectly Conducting, Cylindrical Antenna in Free Space Excited by a Finite Cylindrical Distributed Source Specified by the Tangential Electric Field Associated, Jul 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 111, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Electromagnetic Interaction Between a Cylindrical Post and a Two-Parallel-Plate Simulator, I, Jul 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 112, C. E. Baum, Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Distribution for a Simulator with the Geometry of a Half Toroid Joined to the Surface of a Medium with Infinite Conductivity, 1 Jul 70, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 113, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Capacitance and Equivalent Area of a Spherical Dipole Sensor, Jul 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 114, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, Scattering of a Plane Electromagnetic Wave by a Screen with a Sinusoidal Conducting Direction, Aug 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 115, C. J. Hall, The Asymmetric Dipole as a Transient Field Probe, Aug 70, Atomic Weapons Research Establishment
SSN 116, J. H. Scott, R. D. Carroll, and D. R. Cunningham, Dielectric Constant and Electrical Conductivity of Moist Rock from Laboratory Measurements, 17 Aug 64, U.S. Geological Survey
SSN 117, M. M. Judy, Separation of Electrode and Polarization Medium Impedances in Two-Terminal Measurements, 20 Apr 67, U.S. Geological Survey, Project 5710
SSN 118, L. Marin, Effect of Replacing One Conducting Plate of a Parallel-Plate Transmission Line by a Grid of Rods, Oct 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 119, L. Marin, Waveforms on a Non-Uniform Surface Transmission Line with an RC-Load, Oct 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 120, A. D. Varvatsis and M. I. Sancer, Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Interaction of a Half Toroid Simulator with a Perfectly Conducting Hemisphere, Oct 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 121, K. S. H. Lee, Electromagnetic Interaction Between a Cylindrical Post and a Two-Parallel-Plate Simulator, II (a Circular Hole in the Top Plate), Nov 70, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 122, A. D. Varvatsis and M. I. Sancer, Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Distribution of a Half Toroid Simulator Joined to a Finitely Conducting Ground: Simple Ground Connections, Feb 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 123, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Distribution of a Half Toroid Simulator Joined to a Finitely Conducting Ground: Modified Ground Connections, Feb 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 124, R. W. Latham and K. S. H. Lee, Magnetic Field on a Cylinder in a Loop, Feb 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 125, C. E. Baum, Some Characteristics of Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennas for Radiating Transient Pulses, 23 Jan 71, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 126, L. Marin, Scattering by Two Perfectly Conducting, Circular, Coaxial Disks, Mar 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 127, C. E. Baum, Further Considerations for Multi-turn Cylindrical Loops, 22 Apr 71, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 128, D. F. Higgins, The Diffraction of an Electromagnetic Plane Wave by Interior and Exterior Bends in a Perfectly Conducting Sheet, Jan 71, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 129, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, Geometrical Diffraction Solution for the High Frequency-Early Time Behavior of the Field Radiated by an Infinite Cylindrical Antenna with a Biconical Feed, May 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 130, K. S. H. Lee and R. W. Latham, Inductance and Current Density of a Cylindrical Shell, Jun 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 131, A. D. Varvatsis and M. I. Sancer, Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Interaction of a Half Toroid Simulator with a Perfectly Conducting Half Prolate Spheroid, Jun 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 132, T. B. A. Senior, The Diffraction Matrix for a Discontinuity in Curvature, Jun 71, University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory
SSN 133, F. M. Tesche, Optimum Spacing of N Loops in a B Sensor, Jul 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 134, L. Marin, A Cylindrical Post Above a Perfectly Conducting Plate, I (Static Case), Jul 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 135, F. M. Tesche, On the Behavior of Thin-Wire Scatterers and Antennas Arbitrarily Located within a Parallel Plate Region, I (The Formulation), Aug 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 136, L. Marin, A Cylindrical Post Above a Perfectly Conducting Plate, II (Dynamic Case), Aug 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 137, S.-K. Cho, C.-M. Chu, and C.-T. Tai, Proximity Effect of Semi-Infinite Parallel Plate Transmission Line in the Presence of a Perfectly Conducting Ground, Aug 71, University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory
SSN 138, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, A Comparison of the High Frequency-Early Time Behavior of the Fields Radiated by a Capped and Uncapped Biconical Antenna, Oct 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 139, K. S. H. Lee, A Vertical Post Inside a Two-Parallel-Plate Simulator, Oct 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 140, A. D. Varvatsis and M. I. Sancer, Electromagnetic Interaction Between a Perfectly Conducting Sphere and a Two-Parallel-Plate Simulator, I (Top Plate Removed), Oct 71, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 141, F. M. Tesche, Numerical Determination of the Step Wave Response of a Thin-Wire Scattering Element Arbitrarily Located Above a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane, Feb 72, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 142, D. F. Higgins, The Effects of Constructing a Conical Antenna Above a Ground Plane Out of a Number of Thin Wires, Jan 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 143, C. E. Baum, General Principles for the Design of ATLAS I and II Part I: ATLAS: Electromagnetic Design Considerations for Horizontal Version, 1 Jan 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 144, C. E. Baum, General Principles for the Design of ATLAS I and II Part II: ATLAS: Electromagnetic Design Considerations for Vertical Version, 3 Jan 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 145, C. E. Baum, General Principles for the Design of ATLAS I and II Part III: Additional Considerations for the Design of the Terminations, 4 Mar 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 146, C. E. Baum, General Principles for the Design of ATLAS I and II Part IV: Additional Considerations for the Design of Pulser Arrays, 4 Mar 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 147, T. B. A. Senior and G. A. Desjardins, Modified Biconical Antennas, Mar 72, University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory
SSN 148, C. E. Baum, General Principles for the Design of ATLAS I and II, Part V: Some Approximate Figures of Merit for Comparing the Waveforms Launched by Imperfect Pulser Arrays onto TEM Transmission Lines, 9 May 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 149, S. W. Lee, V. Jamnejad, and R. Mittra, Near Field of Scattering by a Hollow Semi-Infinite Cylinder and its Application to EMP Studies, May 72, University of Illinois
SSN 150, D. F. Higgins, A Method of Calculating Impedance and Field Distribution of a Multi-Wire Parallel Plate Transmission Line Above a Perfectly Conducting Ground, Feb 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
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SSN 151, C. E. Baum, EMP Simulators for Various Types of Nuclear EMP Environments: An Interim Categorization, 13 Jul 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 152, A. L. Whiston and E. F. Vance, Measurement of Fields Near a Vertical Monopole, Sep 65, Stanford Research Institute
SSN 153, C. E. Baum, D. Higgins, D. B. Cummings, J. E. Faulkner, M. Heinberg, et al, Electromagnetic Design Calculations for ATLAS I, Design 1, 25 Jun 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Nuclear Defense Research Corp. of New Mexico, and Pulsar Associates
SSN 154, T. K. Liu, Direct Time Domain Analysis of Linear EMP Radiators, Jul 72, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 155, D. F. Higgins, The Effect of a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane with a Symmetrically Located Semi-Cylindrical Hump on the Impedance and Field Distribution of a Two-Wire Transmission Line, Jun 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 156, C. E. Baum, A Technique for Simulating the System Generated Electromagnetic Pulse Resulting from an Exoatmospheric Nuclear Weapon Radiation Environment, 18 Sep 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 157, T. H. Shumpert, Capacitance Calculations for Satellites, Part I: Isolated Capacitances of Ellipsoidal Shapes with Comparisons to Some Other Simple Bodies, Sep 72, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 158, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, The Effect of Flanges on the Inductance of a Sloped Termination for a Parallel-Plate Simulator, Nov 72, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 159, Z. L. Pine and F. M. Tesche, Pulse Radiation by an Infinite Cylindrical Antenna with a Source Gap with a Uniform Field, Oct 72, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 160, C. E. Baum and H. Chang, Fields at the Center of a Full Circular TORUS and a Vertically Oriented TORUS on a Perfectly Conducting Earth, Dec 72, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and Dikewood Corp.
SSN 161, C.-M. Chu and S.-K. Cho, Field Distribution for Parallel Plate Transmission Line of Finite Width in Proximity to a Conducting Plane, Nov 72, University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory
SSN 162, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, The Reduction of Wasted Energy Delivered Outside of a Parallel-Plate Simulator Fed by a Sloped Source Array, Jan 73, Northrop Corporate Laboratory
SSN 163, A. D. Varvatsis and M. I. Sancer, Performance of an Admittance Sheet Plus Coplanar Flanges as a Matched Termination of a Two-Dimensional Parallel-Plate Transmission Line, I. Perpendicular Case, Jan 73, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 164, F. M. Tesche, Study of a Charged Wire Grid for Reducing Electron Backscatter in EMP Satellite Simulators, Dec 72, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 165, C. E. Baum and D. F. Higgins, Electromagnetic Design Calculations for ATLAS II, Design 1, 27 Jan 73, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 166, R. W. Latham, The Effective Radii Approximation for the Capacitance of a Body within an Enclosure, Jan 73, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 167, T.-K. Liu, Space-Time Domain Magnetic Field Integral Equation in the Solution of an Infinite Cylinder Antenna with a Biconical Feed, Nov 72, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 168, R. W. Latham, Corrections to the Transmission-Line Parameters of a Coaxial Line when the Center Conductor has Impedance, Mar 73, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 169, T.-C. Mo, C. H. Papas, and C. E. Baum, Differential-Geometry Scaling Method for Electromagnetic Field and its Applications to Coaxial Waveguide Junctions, Mar 73, California Institute of Technology and Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 170, T.-K. Liu, Impedances and Field Distributions of Curved Parallel-Plate Transmission-Line Simulators, Feb 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 171, M. I. Sancer and A. D. Varvatsis, Capacitance Bounds for Geometries Corresponding to an Advanced Simulator Design, Mar 73, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 172, W. E. Page and T. L. Brown, Pulse Propagation in a Ground Transmission Line EMP Simulator, Mar 73, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and Dikewood Corp.
SSN 173, L. Marin, Transient Electromagnetic Properties of Two Parallel Wires, Mar 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 174, S.-K. Cho and C.-M. Chu, A Parametric Study of a Circular Cylinder within Two Parallel Plates of Finite Width, Jan 73, University of Michigan
SSN 175, F. M. Tesche and Z. L. Pine, Approximation to a Biconical Source Feed on Linear EMP Simulators by Using N Discrete Voltage Gaps, May 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 176, L. Marin, Natural Modes of Two Collinear Cylinders, May 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 177, F. M. Tesche, Application of the Singularity Expansion Method to the Analysis of Impedance Loaded Linear Antennas, May 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 178, Y.-P. Liu, D. L. Sengupta, and C.-T. Tai, On the Transient Waveforms Radiated by a Resistively Loaded Linear Antenna, Feb 73, University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory
SSN 179, C. E. Baum, Singularity Expansion of Electromagnetic Fields and Potentials Radiated from Antennas or Scattered from Objects in Free Space, 25 May 73, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 180, R. W. Latham, Reflection from an Array of Dielectric Posts, Jun 3, Northrop Corporate Laboratories
SSN 181, H. Chang, Electromagnetic Fields Near the Center of TORUS Part 1: Fields on The Plane of TORUS, Aug 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 182, T. H. Shumpert, EMP Interaction with a Thin Cylinder Above a Ground Plane Using the Singularity Expansion Method, Jun 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 183, P. H. Duncan, Jr., Analysis of the Moebius Loop Magnetic Field Sensor, Sep 73, McDonnell Douglas Corp.
SSN 184, C. E. Baum, Early Time Performance at Large Distances of Periodic Planar Arrays of Planar Bicones with Sources Triggered in a Plane-Wave Sequence, 30 Aug 73, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 185, D. L. Wright and J. F. Prewitt, Transmission Line Model of Radiating Dipole with Special Form of Impedance Loading, Sep 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 186, T.-K. Liu, Admittance and Fields of a Planar Array with Sources Excited in a Plane Wave Sequence, Oct 73, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 187, J. Lytle, E. Laine, and D. Lager, Determination of the in Situ Ground Conductivity and Relative Dielectric Constant via the Two-Loop Method Using Swept Frequency Excitation, 8 Aug 72, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
SSN 188, R. Jeffrey Lytle, Measurement of Earth Medium Electrical Characteristics: Techniques, Results, and Applications, 12 Nov 73, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
SSN 189, R. W. Latham, Parameter Study of Reflection Reduction by Impedance Grids, Feb 74, Tetra Tech, Inc.
SSN 190, R. C. Bigelow and W. R. Eberle, Impedance Bridge Method for Laboratory Measurement of Resistivity and Dielectric Constant of Earth Materials: 100 Hz-100 MHz, Jul 72, Geological Survey, SP-32
SSN 191, R. F. Gray, Cable Driver Techniques and Hardware Developed During the Pershing Cable/Connector Program, Feb 73, Harry Diamond Laboratories, HDL-TR-1614, AD 764236
SSN 192, G. Merkel, Simulation of a Simple Lorentz Plasma with a Random Distribution of Inductively Loaded Dipoles, Nov 73, Harry Diamond Laboratories, HDL-TR-1637, AD 775448
SSN 193, K. S. H. Lee, Electrically-Small Ellipsoidal Antennas, Feb 74, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 194, C. L. Longmire, Considerations in SGEMP Simulation, May 1974, Mission Research Corporation
SSN 195, M.A. Messier, The Effect of a Center Conductor on the Resonant Modes of a Spherical Cavity with a Perfectly Conducting Mall, May 1974, Mission Research Corp.
SSN 196, M,A. Messier and C. L. Longmire, The Damping of Tank Oscillations with Conducting Dielectric Shellsm May 1974, Mission Research Corporation
SSN 197, D.F. Higgins and C. L. Longmire, Cavity Mode Excitation, May 1974, Mission Research Corporation
SSN 198, Backscatter Control Grid Design Study: Electromagnetic Considerations
D.F. Higgins, March 1974, Mission Research Corporation
SSN 199, Numerical Studies of Volume Dampers for System Generated Electromagnetic Pulse (SGEMP) Simulation Chambers, D.E. Merewether and C. Foster, May 10, 1974, Mission Research Corporation
SSN 200, A.D. Varvatsis and M.I. Sancer, Performance of an Admittance Sheet Plus Coplanar Flanges as a Matched Termination of a Two-Dimensional Parallel-Plate Transmission Line
II. Sloped Admittance Sheet, June 1974, Tetra Tech
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SSN 201, L. Martin, Modes on a Finite-Width, Parallel-Plate Simulator I. Narrow Plates,
September 1974, Dikewood Corporation
SSN 202, K. K. Chan, L. B. Felsen, S. T. Peng and J. Shmoys, Diffraction of the Pulsed Field from an Arbitrarily Oriented Electric or Magnetic Dipole by a Wedge, October 1973, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics, Polytechnic Institute of New York, Farmingdale, N.Y.
SSN 203, G. Franceschetti and C.H. Papas, Pulsed Antennas, December 1973, California Institute of Technology
SSN 204, T.L. Brown, Spherical Cavity Ronsonant Damping Through The Use of an Impedance Loaded Shell Inside the Chamber,
June 1975, The Dikewood Corporation
SSN 205, E. F. Vance, Direct Voltage and Current Injection, September 1974, Stanford Research Institute
SSN 206, Chiao-Min Chu, Mathematics of Guided Wave Propagation in Open Structures, May 1974, University of Michigan
SSN 207, S.H. Gurbaxani and D.E. Jones, Analysis of Periodic Structures for Trapping Electrons in EMP Simulators, January 1975, The University of New Mexico College of Engineering Bureau of Engineering Research
SSN 208, T. Itoh and R. Mittra, Analysis of Modes in a Finite-Width Parallel-Plate Waveguide, Jan 75, University of Illinois
SSN 209, K. M. Soo Hoo, Numerical Analysis of a Transmission Line EMP Simulator, 18 Jan 74, Aerospace Corp.
SSN 210, V. V. Liepa, Sweep Frequency Surface Field Measurements, Jul 75, University of Michigan
SSN 211, R. F. Blackburn and C. D. Taylor, On the Electromagnetic Fields from a Hybrid Type of EMP Simulator, Nov 75, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and Mississippi State University
SSN 212, C. E. Baum, A Figure of Merit for Transit-Time-Limited Time-Derivative Electromagnetic Field Sensors, 8 Dec 75, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 213, B. K. Singaraju and C. E. Baum, A Simple Technique for Obtaining the Near Fields of Electric Dipole Antennas from Their Far Fields, Mar 76, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 214, R. F. Blackburn, Analysis and Synthesis of an Impedance-Loaded Loop Antenna Using the Singularity Expansion Method, May 76, University of Mississippi
SSN 215, C. E. Smith, Transient Radiated Fields from Sources Located on a Planar Surface, 1 Feb 75, University of Mississippi
SSN 216, E. Marx, Electromagnetic Aspects of EMP Testing, Oct 75, Harry Diamond Laboratories, HDL-TM-75-14, AD A018450
SSN 217, R. F. Gray, Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Simulation by Point Source Injection Techniques for Shielded and Unshielded Penetrations, Dec 75, Harry Diamond Laboratories
SSN 218, C. L. Longmire, Note on the Use of Charge Injection for SGEMP Simulation, Jul 75, Mission Research Corp.
SSN 219, C. E. Baum, D. V. Giri, and R. D. Gonzalez, Electromagnetic Field Distribution of the TEM Mode in a Symmetrical Two-Parallel-Plate Transmission Line, 1 Apr 76, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 220, T. H. Shumpert and D. J. Galloway, Isolated Capacitance and Equivalent Radius of the Rectangular Parallelopiped, Feb 76, Auburn University and Dynetics, Inc.
SSN 221, F. C. Yang and K. S. H. Lee, Impedance of a Two-Conical-Plate Transmission Line, Nov 76, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 222, C. E. Baum, Extrapolation Techniques for Interpreting the Results of Tests in EMP Simulators in Terms of EMP Criteria, 20 May 77, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 223, L. Marin, Modes on a Finite-Width, Parallel-Plate Simulator II. Wide Plates, Nov 77, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 224, D. R. Wilton, Static Analysis of Conical Antenna Over a Ground Plane, Aug 76, University of Mississippi
SSN 225, D. R. Wilton, Dynamic Analysis of a Loaded Conical Antenna Over a Ground Plane, Aug 76, University of Mississippi
SSN 226, T. H. Shumpert and D. J. Galloway, Transient Analysis of a Finite Length Cylindrical Scatterer Very Near a Perfectly Conducting Ground, Aug 76, Auburn University and Dynetics, Inc.
SSN 227, L. Marin and G. C. Lewis, Jr., Modes on a Finite-Width Parallel-Plate Simulator III. Numerical Results for Modes on Wide Plates, Sep 77, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 228, F. C. Yang and G. C. Lewis, Jr., Natural Frequencies and Capacitance of a Wire Above a Ground Plane and Capacitance of a Wire in a Parallel-Plate Region, Sep 77, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 229, F. C. Yang and L. Marin, Field Distributions on a Two-Conical-Plate and a Curved Cylindrical-Plate Transmission Line, Sep 77, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 230, F. C. Yang and K. S. H. Lee, Energy Confinement of a Bounded-Wave Simulator, Sep 77, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 231, D. A. Hill and J. R. Wait, Theoretical and Numerical Studies of Wire Mesh Structures, 10 Jun 77, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, Office of Telecommunications, U.S. Department of Commerce
SSN 232, D. E. Merewether, J. F. Prewitt, and C. E. Baum, Characterization of Errors in the Extrapolation of Data from an EMP Simulator to an EMP Criterion, 25 Oct 77, Mission Research Corp. and Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 233, A. D. Varvatsis, S. G. Siegel, and M. I. Sancer, Numerical Investigation of Plane Wave Pulse Scattering by Dielectric Obstacles/Detailed Results for a Dielectric Slab Model of the Atlas I Trestle Platform, Oct 77, TDR, Inc.
SSN 234, F. M. Tesche, Coupling of Electromagnetic Fields from an Electric Dipole Source to a Conducting Sphere, Sep 77, Science Applications, Inc.
SSN 235, K.-M. Lee, An Analytical Investigation of the Method of Using an Extrapolation Function in Finding Criteria Response from Simulation Response, 12 Dec 77, Mission Research Corp.
SSN 236, G. A. Seely, The Dipole Method (DIES) in SGEMP Simulation, 11 Nov 77, Science Applications, Inc.
SSN 237, F. C. Yang and L. Marin, An Electric-Field-Penetration Simulator for Apertures, Mar 78, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 238, L.-W. Chen and C. E. Baum, Performance Parameters Associated with the FINES-Type Small EMP Simulators, 16 Jan 78, Dikewood Industries and Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 239, C. E. Baum, E. L. Breen, J. P. O'Neill, J. C. Giles, and G. D. Sower, Sensors for Electromagnetic Pulse Measurements Both Inside and Away from Nuclear Source Regions, 1 Jan 78, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and EG&G Inc.
SSN 240, C. E. Baum, EMP Simulators for Various Types of Nuclear EMP Environments: An Interim Categorization, 1 Jan 78, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 241, A. M. Rushdi, R. Menendez, and R. Mittra, A Study of the Leaky Modes in a Finite-Width Parallel-Plate Waveguide, Jul 77, University of Illinois
SSN 242, V. V. Liepa and T. B. A. Senior, Some Analysis of EC-135 Aircraft Model Data, Sep 77, University of Michigan
SSN 243, J. S. Yu, C.-L. J. Chen, and C. E. Baum, Multipole Radiations: Formulation and Evaluation for Small EMP Simulators, 19 Jul 78, Dikewood Industries and Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 244, V. V. Liepa, D. L. Sengupta, J. E. Ferris, and T. B. A. Senior, Surface Field Measurements with Image and Ground Planes, Nov 77, University of Michigan
SSN 245, T. T. Crow, K.-Y. Wu, and C. D. Taylor, A Study of Waveguide Mode Excitation and Propagation in a Parallel Plate Transmission Line, Nov 77, Mississippi State University
SSN 246, C. E. Baum, EMP Simulation and its Impact on EMP Testing, 26 Dec 78, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 247, D. V. Giri, C. E. Baum, and H. Schilling, Electromagnetic Considerations of a Spatial Modal Filter for Suppression of Non-TEM Modes in the Transmission-Line Type of EMP Simulators, 29 Dec 78, Lutech Inc.,
SSN 248, M. I. Sancer, S. Siegel, and A. D. Varvatsis, An Investigation of Portable EMP Simulators/Alternate Simulators, Oct 78, TDR, Inc.
SSN 249, D. A. Hill and J. R. Wait, Electromagnetic Surface Wave Propagation Over a Rectangular Bonded Wire Mesh, Oct 77, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
SSN 250, D. A. Hill, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Along a Pair of Rectangular Bonded Wire Meshes, Nov 77, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
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SSN 251, D. A. Hill and J. R. Wait, Surface Wave Propagation on a Rectangular Bonded Wire Mesh Located Over the Ground, Dec 77, Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
SSN 252, K. R. Umashankar and C. E. Baum, Equivalent Electromagnetic Properties of a Concentric Wire Cage as Compared to a Circular Cylinder, Mar 79, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 253, V. Krichevsky and R. Mittra, Source Excitation of an Open, Parallel-Plate Waveguide, Oct 77, University of Illinois
SSN 254, V. Krichevsky, Source Excitation of an Open, Parallel-Plate Waveguide, Numerical Results, Aug 78, University of Illinois
SSN 255, C.-H. Tsao, E. Yung, and R. Mittra, The Source Excitation of a Finite-Width, Parallel-Plate Waveguide, Feb 79, University of Illinois
SSN 256, F. Jahanshahi and C.-T. Tai, An Investigation of the Detection of the Surface Fields of a Right-Angle Corner Reflector by Some Electrically Small Sensors, 30 May 79, University of Michigan
SSN 257, S. Singarayar and B. M. Duff, A Study of Charge Probe Response on a Junction of Unequal Radii Thin Wires, Oct 76, University of Mississippi
SSN 258, T. T. Crow, C. D. Taylor, and M. Kumbale, The Singularity Expansion Method Applied to Perpendicular Crossed Wires Over a Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane, Jun 79, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
SSN 259, Y. Rahmat-Samii, P. Parhami, and R. Mittra, Transient Response of a Loaded Horizontal Antenna Over Lossy Ground with Application to EMP Simulators, Dec 77, University of Illinois
SSN 260, C. E. Baum, The PARTES Concept in EMP Simulation, 9 Dec 79, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 261, D. V. Giri, T. K. Liu, F. M. Tesche, and R. W. P. King, Parallel Plate Transmission Line Type of EMP Simulators: A Systematic Review and Recommendations, 1 Apr 80, Lutech, Inc. and Harvard University
SSN 262, F. C. Yang, Discrete and Continuous Spectra of Finite-Width, Parallel Plate Simulator's Fields, Jun 79, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 263, J. Lam, Excitation of the Parallel-Plate Section of a Bounded-Wave EMP Simulator by a Conical Transmission Line, 31 May 79, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 264, J. Lam, Interaction Between a Parallel-Plate EMP Simulator and a Cylindrical Test Object, 19 Jun 79, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 265, L. W. Pearson and Y. M. Lee, An Experimental Investigation of the King Surface Current Probing Technique in a Transient Application, Dec 79, University of Kentucky
SSN 266, F. C. Yang, A Distributed Source-Region EMP Simulator, Jul 80, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 267, F. C. Yang and K. S. H. Lee, Analytical Representation of ATLAS I (Trestle) Fields, Jul 80, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 268, T. T. Crow, Y. Hsu, and C. D. Taylor, The Natural Resonances of Perpendicular Crossed Wires Parallel to an Imperfect Ground Using SEM and Fresnel Reflection Coefficients, Jun 80, Mississippi State University
SSN 269, T. T. Crow, J. Kuo, and C. D. Taylor, The Singularity Expansion Method Applied to Perpendicular Crossed Wires Over an Imperfect Ground Plane: A Sommerfeld Integral Formulation, Jun 80, Mississippi State University
SSN 270, R. H. Bonn, Instrumentation for an Underground Nuclear SGEMP Experiment, 1 Mar 81, Field Command Defense Nuclear Agency
SSN 271, C. E. Baum, Sensors for Measurement of Intense Electromagnetic Pulses, Jun 81, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 272, K. D. Granzow, J. P. Martinez, and K. F. Casey, Quasi-Static Magnetic-Field EMP Simulator Design Study, Aug 81, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 273, F. M. Tesche, T. K. Liu, and K. K. Mei, Theoretical Basis for the Hardness Assurance Monitoring System (HAMS), Jan 82, LuTech, Inc.
SSN 274, C. E. Baum, E. L. Breen, F. L. Pitts, G. D. Sower, and M. E. Thomas the Measurement of Lightning Environmental Parameters Related to Interaction with Electronic Systems, May 82, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, NASA Langley Research Center, and EG&G
SSN 275, M. I. Sancer, Unified View of EMP Interaction, Threat Extrapolation, and Alternate Simulation/Transfer Coefficients, Aug 82, Defense Nuclear Agency
SSN 276, V. V. Liepa and T. B. A. Senior, Measured Characteristics of MGL and ACD Sensors, 30 Sep 82, University of Michigan
SSN 277, C. E. Baum, Review of Hybrid and Equivalent-Electric-Dipole EMP Simulators, Oct 82, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 278, D. F. Higgins and W. A. Radasky, In-Flight Missile Electromagnetic Coupling Tests-Preliminary Considerations, 17 Apr 80, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 279, J. A. Marks, Interaction Between the Discus Simulator and a Buried Wire or Plate, May 81, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 280, R. L. Knight, Late-Time Underground EMP Simulator Model, 31 Jul 81, Dikewood Corp.
SSN 281, R. L. Gardner and J. L. Gilbert, Effect of Pulling a Wire Out of a Cable Bundle on the Distribution of Current in the Bundle, Feb 83, Mission Research Corp.
SSN 282, A. P. Stone, A Differential Approach to Electromagnetic Lens Design, Apr 83, University of New Mexico
SSN 283, C. E. Baum, Idealized Electric- and Magnetic-Field Sensors Based on Spherical Sheet Impedances, 28 Mar 83, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 284, D. V. Giri and C. E. Baum, Airborne Platform for Measurement of Transient or Broadband CW Electromagnetic Fields, 22 May 84, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 285, A. P. Stone and C. E. Baum, An Anisotropic Lens for Launching TEM Waves on a Conducting Circular Conical System, Jun 84, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, AD A144140, AFOSR-TR-84-0600
SSN 286, C. E. Baum, Measurement of the Surface Curl of the Surface Current Density, 21 Nov 84, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 287, Y.-G. Chen, R. Crumley, C. E. Baum, and D. V. Giri, Field-Containing Inductors, 18 Jul 85, Maxwell Labs, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, and Pro-Tech
SSN 288, Y.-G. Chen, R. Crumley, S. Lloyd, C. E. Baum, and D. V. Giri, Lumped Element Networks for Replacing Sections of a Buried Transmission Line, 12 Sep 85, Maxwell Labs, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, and Pro-Tech
SSN 289, C. E. Baum and D. V. Giri, The Distributed Switch for Launching Spherical Waves, 28 Aug 85, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and Pro-Tech
SSN 290, Y.-G. Chen, S. Lloyd, R. Crumley, C. E. Baum, and D. V. Giri, Surface-Current-Density Measurements, 14 Oct 85, Maxwell Labs, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, and Pro-Tech
SSN 291, A. P. Stone and C. E. Baum, An Anisotropic Lens for Transitioning Plane Waves Between Media of Different Permittivities, 11 Apr 86, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 292, Y.-G. Chen, S. Lloyd, R. Crumley, C. E. Baum, and D. V. Giri, Design Procedures for Arrays which Approximate a Distributed Source at the Air-Earth Interface, 1 May 86, Maxwell Laboratories, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, and Pro-Tech
SSN 293, V. V. Liepa, D. L. Sengupta, and T. B. A. Senior, Magnetostatic Surface Field Measurement Facility, Jun 86, University of Michigan
SSN 294, D. V. Giri and C. E. Baum, Equivalent Displacement for a High-Voltage Rollup on the Edge of a Conducting Sheet, Oct 86, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 295, G. D. Sower, Optimization of the Asymptotic Conical Dipole EMP Sensors, 30 Oct 86, EG&G
SSN 296, G. D. Sower, Radiated Fields from a Vertically-Polarized Dipole Antenna Using an Improved Pulser/Antenna Model, 5 Jan 87, EG&G, Inc.
SSN 297, T. M. Flanagan, C. E. Mallon, R. Denson, R. Leadon, and C. E. Baum, A Wide-Bandwidth Electric-Field Sensor for Lossy Media, 30 Jan 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 298, J. D. Quinn and C. E. Baum, Networks for Producing Composite Magnetic Dipole Moments from Various Loops, 26 Jan 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 299, D. V. Giri and C. E. Baum, Early Time Performance at Large Distances of Periodic Arrays of Flat-Plate Conical Wave Launchers, 1 Apr 87, Pro-Tech and Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 300, C. E. Baum, Use of Modified Pole Series for Characterizing the Surface Response of Scatterers, 16 Sep 86, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
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SSN 301, N. Ari and D. V. Giri, Review of Characteristic Impedance of Two Conductor Transmission Lines, 22 May 87, BBC Research Center and Pro-Tech
SSN 302, D. V. Giri, H. Schar, D. Hansen, and H. Hoitink, Monopole Emissions In a TEM Cell and its Relationship to Emissions in Free Space, 22 May 87, Pro-Tech and BBC Research Center
SSN 303, J. D. Quinn and C. E. Baum, Positioning Loops with Parallel Magnetic Dipole Moments to Avoid Mutual Inductance, 13 May 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 304, C. E. Baum, Production of Uniform Electrostatic Fields by a Slotted Conducting Spherical Shell, 26 Apr 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 305, C. Zuffada and N. Engheta, Common and Differential TEM Modes for Two Wires Above a Ground Plane, Jul 87, Kaman Sciences Corp.
SSN 306, C. E. Baum, Focused Aperture Antennas, 19 May 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 307, A. P. Stone and C. E. Baum, Relation Between the Differential Geometry Method and Transit-Time and Differential-Impedance Matching in Synthesizing Lenses for Inhomogeneous Plane Waves, Aug 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 308, A. P. Stone and C. E. Baum, Design of Two-Dimensional EM Lenses Via Differential Geometric Scaling, Oct 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 309, C. E. Baum, T. H. Shumpert, and L. S. Riggs, Perturbation of the SEM-Pole Parameters of an Object by a Mirror Object, Sep 87, Air Force Weapons Laboratory and Auburn University
SSN 310, C. E. Baum, Dual Sources on Boundaries, Mar 88, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 311, E. G. Farr, Extrapolation of Ground-Alert Mode Data at Hybrid EMP Simualtors, Jul 88, The BDM Corporation
SSN 312, C. E. Baum, Maximization of Electromagnetic Response at a Distance, Oct 88, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 313, C. E. Baum, Coupled Transmission-Line Model of Periodic Array of Wave Launchers, Dec 88, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 314, C. E. Baum, Some Features of Waveguide/Horn Design, Nov 88, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 315, C. Zuffada, F. C. Yang, and I. Wong, On the Thin Toroidal and Elliptical Antennas, Jan 89, Kaman Sciences Corporation
SSN 316, D. V. Giri, Impedance Matrix Characterization of an Incremental Length of a Periodic Array of Wave Launchers, Apr 89, Pro-Tech
SSN 317, C. E. Baum, Canonical Examples for High-Frequency Propagation on Unit Cell of Wave-Launcher Array, Apr 89, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 318, D. V. Giri, A Family of Canonical Examples for High-Frequency Propagation on Unit Cell of Wave-Launcher Array, Jun 89, Pro-Tech
SSN 319, E. G. Farr, and J. S. Hofstra, An Incident Field Sensor for EMP Measurements, Nov 89, The BDM Corporation
SSN 320, B. B. Godfrey, Diffraction-Free Microwave Propagation, Nov 89, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 321, C. E. Baum, Radiation of Impulse-Like Transient Fields, Nov 89, Air Force Weapons Laboratory
SSN 322, Y. G. Chen, S. Lloyd, R. Crumly, C. E. Baum, and D. V. Giri, Low Voltage Experiments Concerning a Section of a Pulser Array Near the Air-Earth Interface, Feb 90, Maxwell Laboratories Inc., Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Pro-Tech
SSN 323, K. F. Casey, The External Environment of VPD-II: Space Wave Field, Apr 90, JAYCOR
SSN 324, K. F. Casey, The External Environment of VPD-II: Ground-Wave Field, Apr 90, JAYCOR
SSN 325, N. H. Younan, and B. L. Cox, Gigahertz Analysis of the Ellipticus Antenna, Apr 90, MSU
SSN 326, D. V. Giri, Canonical Examples of High-Power Microwave (HPM) Radiation Systems for the Case of One Feeding Waveguide, Apr 91, Pro-Tech
SSN 327, C. E. Baum, Configurations of TEM Feed for an IRA, Apr 91, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 328, C. E. Baum, Aperture Efficiencies for IRA's, Jun 91, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 329, E. G. Farr, Analysis of the Impulse Radiating Antenna, Jul 91
SSN 330, C. E. Baum, General Properties of Antennas, Jul 91, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 331, D. V. Giri, and Y. Rahmat-Samii, Effects of Waveguide Dispersion on High-Power Microwave Signals, Sep 91, Pro-Tech, UCLA
SSN 332, C. E. Baum, Wedge Dieletric Lenses for TEM Waves Between Parallel Plates, Sep 91, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 333, C. E. Baum, W. D. Prather, and D. P. McLemore, Topology for Transmitting Low-Level Signals from Ground Level to Antenna Excitation Position in Hybrid EMP Simulators, Sep 91, Phillips Laboratory, Kaman Sciences Corporation
SSN 334, Y. Rahmat-Samii, D. W. Duan, and D. V. Giri, Canonical Examples of Reflector Antennas for High Power Microwave Applications, Oct 91, UCLA, Pro-Tech
SSN 335, C. E. Baum, J. J. Sadler and A. P. Stone, A Prolate Spheroidal Uniform Isotropic Dielectric Lens Feeding a Circular Coax, Dec 91, Phillips Laboratory, UNM
SSN 336, J. J. A. Klaasen, A Time-Domain Incident-Field Extrapolation Technique Based on the Singularity Expansion Method, Dec 91, Electromagnetic Effects Group
SSN 337, E. G. Farr and C. E. Baum, Prepulse Associated with the TEM Feed of an Impulse Radiating Antenna, Mar 92, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 338, C. Zuffada, J. Martinez, C. E. Baum and W. D. Prather, Modeling Hybrid EMP Simulators with Gap Feed Locations Far >From the RF Source, Mar 92, Kaman Sciences Corporation, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 339, Ira Kohlberg, Theoretical Techniques and Computational Considerations for Determining the Electromagnetic Fields of a Biconical Antenna with Resistive Loading, Mar 92, Kohlberg Associates, Inc.
SSN 340,E. G. Farr and C. E. Baum, A Simple Model of Small-Angle TEM Horns, May 92, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 341, C. E. Baum, Arrays of Parallel Conducting Sheets for Two-Dimensional E-Plane Bending Lenses, Apr 92, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 342, E. G. Farr and C. E. Baum, A Canonical Scatterer for Transient Scattering Range Calibration, Jun 92, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 343, C. E. Baum and E. G. Farr, Hyperboloial Scatterer for Spherical TEM Waves, Jul 92, Phillips Laboratory, Farr Research
SSN 344, C. E. Baum, Accuracy Considerations in the Design of B-Dot and I-Dot Sensors, Jun 92, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 345, J. J. A. Klaasen, An Efficient Method for the Performance Analysis of Bounded-Wave Nuclear EMP Simulators, Aug 92, NOASR
SSN 346, D. V. Giri and S. Y. Chu, On the Low-Frequency Electric Dipole Moment of Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRA's), Oct 92, Pro-Tech
SSN 347, Y. Rahmat-Samii, Analysis of Blockage Effects on TEM-FED Paraboidal Reflector Antennas, Oct 92, UCLA
SSN 348, Y. Rahmat-Samii, Key Formulas for Applying GTD to Strip Like Structures, Nov 92, UCLA
SSN 349, Y. Rahmat-Samii and D. V. Giri, Analysis of Blockage Effects on TEM-FED Paraboidal Reflector Antennas (Part II: TEM Horn Illumination), Nov 92, UCLA, Pro-tech
SSN 350, E. G. Farr and C. E. Baum, Extending the Definitions of Antenna Gain and Radiation Pattern Into the Time Domain, Nov 92, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
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SSN 351, C. E. Baum, Circular Aperture Antennas in the Time Domain, Nov 92, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 352, C. E. Baum, J. J. Sadler and A. P. Stone, Uniform Isotropic Dielectric Equal-Time Lenses for Matching Combinations of Plane and Spherical Waves, Dec 92, Phillips Laboratory, UNM
SSN 353, C. E. Baum, Non-Loading Inductive Couplers for Driving Cables, Dec 92, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 354, E. G. Farr, Optimizing the Feed Impedance of Impulse Radiating Antennas (Part I: Reflector IRA's, Jan 93, Farr Research
SSN 355, D. P. McLemore, G. D. Sower, C. E. Baum and W. D. Prather, The Balantenna: An Integrated Impedance Matching Network and Hybrid EMP Simulator, Jan 93, Kaman Sciences Corporation, EG&G Special Projects, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 356, C. E. Baum, J. J. Sadler and A. P. Stone, Uniform Wedge Dielectric Lenses for Bends in Circular Coaxial Transmission Lines, Dec 92, Phillips Laboratory, UNM
SSN 357, E. G. Farr, C. E. Baum, Radiation from Self-Reciprocal Apertures, Apr 93, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 358, E. G. Farr, C. E. Baum, The Radiation Pattern of Reflector Impulse Radiating Antennas: Early-Time Response, Jun 93, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 359, C. E. Baum, Limited-Angle-of-Incidence and Limited-Time Electric Sensors, Jun 93, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 360, C. E. Baum, J. J. Sadler and A. P. Stone, A Uniform Dielectric Lens for Launching a Spherical Wave into a Paraboidal Reflector, Jul 93, Phillips Laboratory, UNM
SSN 361, C. E. Baum, Timed Arrays for Radiating Impulse-Like Transient Fields, Jul 93, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 362, G. D. Sower, Standard Calibration Method for Electromagnetic Field Probes, Aug 93, EG&G Special Projects
SSN 363, Y. Rahmat-Samii, DEW. Duan, Axial Feed of a TEM-FED UWB Reflector Antenna: The PO/PTD Construction, 16 Dec 93, UCLA
SSN 364, E.G. Farr and C.J. Buchenauer, Experimental Validation of IRA Models, Jan 94, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 365, D.V. Giri and C.E. Baum, Reflector IRA Design and Boresight Temporal Waveforms, 2 Feb 1994, Pro-Tech, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 366, D.V. Giri, Time-Domain Radiated Fields of a Resistively Loaded Bi-Conical Antenna Based on a Transmission-Line Model, 1 April 1994, Pro-Tech
SSN 367, C.E. Baum and D.P. McLemore, Balantenna, Part II, 16 Mar 1994, Phillips Laboratory, Kaman Sciences
SSN 368, D.V. Giri and C.E. Baum, Field Containing Solenoidal Inductors, 4 July 1994, Pro-Tech, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 369, N.H. Younan, B.L. Cox, C.D. Taylor and W.D. Prather, An Exponentially Tapered Transmission Line Antenna, May 1994, Mississippi State, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 370, E.G. Farr, Off-Boresight Field of a Lens IRA, Oct 1994, Farr Research
SSN 371, E.G. Farr, G.D. Sower and C.J. Buchenauer, Design Considerations for Ultra-Wideband High-Voltage Baluns, Oct 1994, Farr Research, EG&G, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 372, C.E Baum, J.J. Sadler and A.P. Stone, Impedances of Coplanar Conical Plates in a Uniform Dielectric Lens and Matching Conical Plates for Feeding a Paraboidal Reflector, Nov 1994, Phillips Laboratory, University of New Mexico
SSN 373, N.H. Younan, B.L. Cox, C.D. Taylor and W.D. Prather, High-Frequency Analysis of the Ellipticus Antenna, Nov 1994, Mississippi State, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 374, C.E. Baum, Self-Complementary Array Antennas, 27 Oct 1994, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 375, C.E. Baum, Antennas for Transmitting Fast Transients Through an Air/Earth Interface, 5 Dec 1994
SSN 376, C.E. Baum, Optimization of Transient Radiation, 8 Jan 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 377, C.E. Baum, Low-Frequency Compensated TEM Horn, 28 Jan 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 378, C.E. Baum, Variations on the Impulse-Radiating Antenna Theme, 10 Feb 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 379, E.G. Farr and C.E. Baum, Impulse Radiating Antennas with Two Refracting or Reflecting Surfaces, May 1995, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 380, E.G. Farr and C.A. Frost, Compact Ultra-Short Pulse Antenna Design and Measurements, June 1995, Farr Research, Pulse Power Physics
SSN 381, C.E. Baum, Airframes as Antennas, 20 May 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 382, D.V. Giri, H. Lackner, I.D. Smith, D.W. Morton, C.E. Baum, J.R. Marek, D. Scholfield and W.D. Prather, A Reflector Antenna for Radiating Impulse-Like Waveforms, 4 July 1995, Pro-Tech, Pulse Sciences, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 383, C.E. Baum, Ship Platform for HF/VHF Arrays, 26 Aug 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 384, E.G. Farr, Optimization of the Feed Impedance of Impulse Radiating Antennas Part II: TEM Horns and Lens IRAs, Nov 1995, Farr Research
SSN 385, E.G. Farr and C.E. Baum, Feed-Point Lenses for Half-Reflector IRAs, Nov 195, Farr Research, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 386, D.V. Giri, Radiated Spectra of Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRAs), 23 Nov 1995, Pro-Tech
SSN 387, C.E. Baum, Steerable Lens Surface for Use with the IRA Class of Antennas, 18 Sep 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 388, C.E. Baum, Two-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Dielectric Lenses for E-Plane Bends of TEM Waves Guided Between Perfectly Conducting Sheets, 14 Oct 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 389, C.E. Baum, Brewster-Angle Interface Between Flat-Plate Conical Transmission Lines, 25 Nov 1995, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 390, E.G. Farr and G.D. Sower, Design Principles of Half-Radiating Antennas, Dec 1995, Farr Research, EG&G
SSN 391, M.H. Vogel, Design of Low-Frequency Compensation of an Extreme-Bandwidth TEM Horn and Lens IRA, 19 April 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 392, C.E. Baum, Transient Arrays, 10 February 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 393, C.E. Baum, Dielectric Body-of-Revolution Lenses with Azimuthal Propagation, 9 March 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 394, C.E. Baum, Dielectric Jackets as Lenses and Application to Generalized Coaxes and Bends in Coaxial Cables, 23 March 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 395, C.C. Courtney and C.E. Baum, Coaxial Beam-Rotating Antenna (COBRA) Concepts, April 1996, Voss Scientific and Phillips Laboratory
SSN 396, E.G. Farr and C.A. Frost, Development of a Reflector IRA and a Solid Dielectric Lens IRA, Part I: Design, Predictions, and Construction, April 1996, Farr Research and Pulse Power Physics
SSN 397, C.E. Baum, Azimuthal TEM Waveguides in Dielectric Media, 31 March 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 398, F.M. Tesche, Some Considerations for the Design of Pulse-Radiating Antennas, 12 July 1996, Electromagnetics Consultant
SSN 399, C.E. Baum, Discrete and Continuous E-Plane Bends in Parallel-Plate Waveguides, 1 May 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 400, W.S. Bigelow and G.D. Sower, Design Optimization of Feed-Point Lenses for Half Reflector IRAs, August 2996, Farr Research and EG&G
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SSN 401, E.G. Farr and C.A. Frost, Development of Reflector IRA and a Solid Dielectric Lens IRA – Part II: Antenna Measurements and Signal Processing, October 1996, Farr Research and Pulse Power Physics
SSN 402, D.V. Giri and C.E. Baum, Design Guidelines for Flat-Plate conical Guided-Wave EMP Simulators with Distributed Terminators, 25 October 1996, Pro-Tech and Phillips Laboratory
SSN 403, D.T. McGrath, Numerical Analysis of Planar Bicone Arrays, December 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 404, D.R. Smith, C.E. Baum, R.J. Torres, K.S.H. Lee and F.C. Yang, Suppression of Radiation in Unwanted Directions for a Conical Horn (the Microwave Shade), 17 December 1996, Kaman Sciences Corp. and Phillips Laboratory
SSN 405, C.E. Baum, Use of Generalized Inhomogeneous TEM Plane Waves in Differential Geometric Lens Synthesis, 5 December 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 406, C.E. Baum, Two-Dimensional Coils for Low-Frequency Magnetic Illumination and Detection, 6 November 1996, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 407, F.M. Tesche, The PxM Antenna and Applications to Radiated Field Testing of Electrical Systems, 10 July 1997, EMC Consultant
SSN 408, C.C. Courtney, D. Slemp, D. Baum, C. E. Baum, R. Torres and W.D. Prather, Coaxial Beam-Rotating Antenna (COBRA) Prototype Measurements, July 1997, Voss Scientific and Phillips Laboratory
SSN 409, F.M. Tesche and T. Karlsson, The PxM Antenna and Application to Radiated Field Testing of Electrical Systems, August 1997, EMC Consultant and EMICON
SSN 410, W. S. Bigelow and E.G. Farr, Design of a Feed-Point Lens with Offset Inner Conductor for a half Reflector IRA with F/D Greater than 0.25, September 1997, Farr Research
SSN 411, C.E. Baum, Three Dimensional Coils for Low-Frequency Magnetic Illumination and Detection, May 1997, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 412, C.E. Baum, E.G. Farr and C.A. Frost, Transient Gain of Antennas Related to the Traditional Continuous-Wave (CW) Definition of Gain, July 1997, Phillips Lab, Farr Research and Pulse Power Physics
SSN 413, E.G. Farr, C.E.Baum, and W.D. Prather, Multifunction Impulse Radiating Antennas: Theory and Experiment, November 1997, Farr Research and Phillips Laboratory
SSN 414, C.E. Baum, Some Topics Concerning Feed Arms of Reflector IRAs, October 1997, Air Force Research Laboratory
SSN 415, C.E. Baum, A Symmetry Result for an Antenna on a Truncated Ground Plane, November 1997, Air Force Research Laboratory
SSN 416, W. S. Bigelow, Minimizing Dispersion in a TEM Waveguide Bend by a Layered Approximation of a Graded Dielectric Material, January 1998, Farr Research
SSN 417, D. Serafin, J. L. Lasserre, J.Ch. Bolomey, G. Cottard, Ph. Garreau, F. Lucas and F. Therond, Spherical Near-Field Facility for Microwave Coupling Assessments in the 100 MHz-6 GHz Range, January 1998, CEG, Supélec, and Satimo
SSN 418, C.E. Baum, Intermediate Field of an Impulse-Radiating Antenna, December 1997, Air Force Research Laboratory
SSN 419, L.H. Bowen and E.G. Farr, E Field Measurements for a 1 meter Diameter Half IRA, April 1998, Farr Research
SSN 420, D.T. McGrath, Numerical Analyses Of TEM Horn Arrays, May 1998, Air Force Research Laboratory
SSN 421, C.J. Buchenauer, J.S. Tyo, J.S.H. Schoenberg, Aperture Efficiencies of Impulse Radiating Antennas, November 1998, Phillips Laboratory
SSN 422, J.S. Tyo, Estimating the Optimum Aperture for Maximizing Prompt Aperture Efficiency in an IRA, January 1998, Air Force Research Laboratory
SSN 423, W. Scott Bigelow, Everett G. Farr, Gary D. Sower, Donald E. Ellibee, Design and Test of a Half Reflector IRA with Feed-Point Lens, July 1998
SSN 424, Carl E. Baum and J. Scott Tyo, Transmission-Line Solution for Propagation on Periodic Array of Wave Launchers, All in Phase, July 1998
SSN 425, Carl E. Baum, Selection of Angles Between Planes ofTEM Feed Arms of an IRA, August 1998
SSN 426, Everett G. Farr and Carl E. Baum, Time Domain Characterization of Antennas with TEM Feeds, October 1998
SSN 427, Clifton C. Courtney, David Slemp, William MotH, Carl E. Baum, Robert Torres and William Prather, Design and Measurement of a Cassegrain-type Coaxial Beam-Rotating Antenna, November 1998
SSN 428, W. Scott Bigelow and Everett G. Farr, Impedance of an Azimuthal TEM Waveguide Bend in a Graded Dielectric Medium, November 1998
SSN 429, Clifton C. Courtney, David Slemp, Carl E. Baum and Robert Torres, Design and Optimization of a Conical Transmission-Line Feedfor a Coaxial Beam-Rotating Antenna, September 1998
SSN 430, Everett G. Farr, Leland H. Bowen, Carl E. Baum and William D. Prather, Multi-Channel Impulse Radiating Antennas with Polarization Diversity, December 1998
SSN 431, Carl E. Baum, Symmetry and SAR Antennas, November 1998
SSN 432, Carl E. Baum, Antenna Aperture with Tapered Loading for Waveform Control, December 1998
SSN 433, Carl E. Baum and Alexander P. Stone, Unipolarized Generalized Inhomogeneous TEM Plane Waves in Differential Geometric Lens Synthesis, January 1999
SSN 434, Leland H. Bowen and Everett G. Farr, Recent Enhancements to the Multifunction IRA and TEM Sensors, February 1999
SSN 435, Carl E. Baum, Antennas on Airplanes, March 1999
SSN 436, Carl E. Baum, Admittance of Bent TEM Waveguides in a CID Medium, May 1999
SSN 437, Carl E. Baum, Unipolarized Currents for Antenna Polarization Control, June 1999
SSN 438, Scott Tyo, Optimization of the Feed Impedance for an Arbitrary Crossed-Feed-Arm Impulse Radiating Antenna, March 2000
SSN 439, Carl E. Baum, Optimization of Reflector IRA Aperture for Filling a Rectangle, September 1999
SSN 440, Leland H. Bowen, Everett G. Farr and William D. Prather, Fabrication and Testing of Two Collapsible Impulse Radiating Antennas, December 1999
SSN 441, Everett G. Farr, Carl E. Baum, William D. Prather and Tyrone Tran, A Two-Channel Balanced-Dipole Antenna (BDA) With Reversible Antenna Pattern Operating at 50 Ohms, December 1999
SSN 442, Everett G. Farr, L. H. Bowen, Glen R. Salo, John S. Gwynne, Carl E. Baum, William D. Prather and Tyrone Tran, Studies of an Impulse Radiating Antenna and a Pulse Radiating Antenna Element for SAR and Target Identification Application, March 2000
SSN 443, Clifton C. Courtney, Donald E. Voss, David Slemp, Carl E. Baum, Robert Torres and William Prather, Design, Fabrication and Measurement of a Conical Transmission-Line Fed, Cassegrain Coaxial Beam-Rotating Antenna, March 2000
SSN 444, An Improved Collapsible Impulse Radiating Antenna, L. H. Bowen, E. G. Farr, and W. D. Prather, April 2000
SSN 445, Compensation of an Electrically Large Coaxial transmission Line Bend by a Layered Dielectric Lens, W. S. Bigelow, E. G. Farr, and W. D. Prather, 17 July 2000
SSN 446, C. E. Baum, Location and Orientation of Electrically Small Transmitting and Receiving Antenna Pairs with Common Linear Polarization and Beam Directionfor Minimal Mutual Coupling, 29 March 2000
SSN 447, C.E. Baum, A Sensor for Voltage, Current, and Waves in Coaxial Cables, 20 April 2000
SSN 448, C. E. Baum, Symmetry in Single-Polarization Reflector Impulse-Radiating Antennas, 3 July 2000
SSN 449, C. C. Courtney, D. E. Voss, M. Thomas, C. E. Baum, W. D. Prather, and R. J. Torres, Design and Numerical Simulation of the Response of a Coaxial Beam Rotating Antenna Lens, August 2000
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SSN 450, Leland H. Bowen, Everett G. Farr, Carl E. Baum, Tyrone C. Tran and William D. Prather, Experimental Results of Optimizing the Location of Feed Arms in a Collapsible IRA and a Solid IRA, November 2000
SSN 451, Carl E. Baum, Coupled Transmission Lines as a Time-Domain Directional Coupler, October 2000
SSN 452, Michael J. Walker and Carl E. Baum, Maximizing Total and TEM Mode Power Through an Azimuthal Waveguide Bend Filled with a Graded Dielectric Medium, January 2001
SSN 453, Carl E. Baum and Alexander P. Stone, Generalized TEM, E, and H Modes, February 2001
SSN 454, J. S. Tyo and C.J. Buchenauer, Measurement of Prompt IRA Responses Under Different Focused Aperture Configurations, March 2001
SSN 455, Carl E. Baum, Antennas for the Switced-Oscillater Source, March 2001
SSN 456, Bigelow, E. G. Farr, L. H. Bowen, T. C. Tran, C. E. Baum, and W. D. Prather, Automated Time Domain Antenna Range Initial Implementation, May 2001
SSN 457, Carl E. Baum, Differential Switched Oscillators and Associated Antennas, June 2001
SSN 458, Carl E. Baum, Modification ofTEM-Fed Reflector for Increased Efficiency, July 2001
SSN 459, Carl E. Baum, High-Power Scanning Waveguide Array, July 2001
SSN 460, F. Sabath, D. Nitsch, M. Jung, and Th. H. G. G. Weise, Design and Setup of a Short Pulse Simulator for Susceptibility Investigations, October 2001
SSN 461, Michael J. Baretela, J. Scott Tyo, Selective Trimming of Impulse Radiating Antenna Apertures to Increase Prompt Radiating Field, November 2001
SSN 462, Carl E. Baum, Some Topics Concerning Cable Feeds of Reflectors IRAs, October 2001
SSN 463, L. Bowen, E. Farr, C. Baum, T. Tran, W. Prather, Results of Optimization Experiments on a Solid Reflector IRA, January 2001
SSN 464, L. Bowen, E. Farr, J. Paxton, A. Witzig, C. Baum, D. Lawry, W. Prather, Fabrication and Testing of a Membrane IRA, January 2002
SSN 465, L. Atchley, E. Farr, J. Tyo, N. Merced, L. Altigilbers, Development and Testing of a Parachute Deployable Impulse Radiating Antenna, March 2002
SSN 466, Carl E. Baum, Antenna - Aperture Synthesis for Hyperband SAR Antennas, February 2002
SSN 467, Carl E. Baum, Compensating Electric - Dipole - Like Radiators for Constant Input Impedance, February 2002
SSN 468, J. Scott Tyo, Improved Aperture Efficiency in IRAs and ORAs with Uniaxially Conducting Reflectors, May 2002
SSN 469, D.V. Giri, et aI, V. Carboni and Jane Lehr, Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Timed-Array of TEM Horns for Beam Steering, 1 May 2002
SSN 470, Carl E. Baum, Compact, Low-Impedance Magnetic Antennas, December 2002
SSN 471, J. Scott Tyo and Jon S. H. Schoenberg, Radiated Field Measurements from a I-m Diameter Half IRA, February 1999
SSN 472, J. Scott Tyo, Everett G. Farr, Leland H. Bowen, and Larry L. Altgibers,, IRA Variation Useful for Flexible Feed Arms, May 2003
SSN 473, Leland H. Bowen, et. aI, William J. Carey, Jon R. Mayes and Larry L. Altgilbers, A Prototype High-Voltage UWB Transmitter, March 2003
SSN 474, K. Kim, W.R. Scott, Jr., Numerical Analysis of the Impulse-Radiating Antenna, 3 June 2003
SSN 475, Lanney M. Atchley, Everett G. Farr, Leland H. Bowen, W. Scott Bigelow, Harald J. Wagnon, Donald E. Ellibee, and Tyrone C. Tran, Characterization of a Time Domain Antenna Range, June 2003
SSN 476, Kangwook Kim and Waymond R. Scott, Jr., Analysis of an Offset Impulse-Radiating Antenna, 16 June 2003
SSN 477, Carl E. Baum, Limited-Angle-of-Incidence and Limited-Time Magnetic Sensors, 18 April 2003
SSN 478, Lanney M. Atchley and Everett G. Farr, Experimental Studies of Scale-Model and Full-Scale IRAs Mounted on Parachutes, July 2003
SSN 479, Leland H. Bowen, Everett G. Farr, and Dean I. Lawry, A Dual-Polarity Impulse Radiating Antenna, October 2003
SSN 480, C.E. Baum, W.L. Baker, W.D. Prather, W.A. Walton III, R. Hackett, J.M. Lehr, J.W. Burger, R.J. Torres, J.O'Loughlin, H.A. Dogliani, J.S. Tyo, J.S.H. Schoenberg, G.J. Rohwein, D.V. Giri, I.D. Smith, R. Altes, G. Harris, J. Fockler, D.F. Morton, et al., JOLT: A Highly Directive, Very Intensive, Impulse-Like Radiator, November 10, 2003
SSN 481, Kangwook Kim and Waymond R. Scott, Jr.,, Analysis of Impulse-Radiating Antennas with Ellipsoidal Reflectors, 31 October 2003
SSN 482, Carl E. Baum, Transmission-Line Antennas for Sparse Dielectric Airfoils, 11 August 2003
SSN 483, Clifton C. Courtney and Donald E. Voss, Modes of a Double Baffled, Cylindrical, Coaxial Waveguide, August 2003
SSN 484, Carl E. Baum, Differential Switched Oscillators and Associated Antennas, Part 2, 7 November 2003
SSN 485, Clifton C. Courtney, Azimuthally Propagating Modes in a Truncated, Cylindrical, Coaxial Waveguide, September 2003
SSN 486, J. Scott Tyo, Everett G. Farr, and Dean Lawry, Effect of Defocusingo n the Prompt Response of an IRA: 1 Hyperboloidal Reflector, November 2003
SSN 487, Everett G. Farr, Lanney M. Atchley, Donald E. Ellibee, and Larry L. Altgilbers, A Solid Dielectric Lens Impulse Radiating Antennas Surrounded by a Cylindrical Shroud, March 2004
SSN 488, Everett G. Farr, Leland H. Bowen, David R. Keene, Resistively Loaded Discones for UWB Communications, April 2004
SSN 489, Lanney M. Achley, Everett G. Farr, and Donald E. Ellibee, A High-Voltage UWB Coupled-Line Directional Coupler, April 2004
SSN 490, W. Scott Bigelow, Everett G. Farr, Leland H. Bowen, and Donald E. Ellibee, Design and Characterization of a Lens TEM Horn, April 2004
SSN 491, Clifton C. Courtney, Donald E. Voss and Tom McVeety, Antenna Beam Steering Concepts for High Power Applications, January 2004
SSN 492, Clifton C. Courtney, Tom McVeety, Jim Tate and Donald E. Voss, Design and Measurement of COBRA Lens Antenna Prototypes for HPM Effects Testing Applications, March 2004
SSN 493, Carl E. Baum, More Antennas for the Switched Oscillator, 7 August 2004
SSN 494, Leland H. Bowen, Everett G. Farr, Dean I. Lawry, and J. Scott Tyo, An Ultra-Compact Impulse Radiating Antenna, October 2004
SSN 495, Lanney M. Atchley, Everett G. Farr, Donald E. Ellibee, and Larry L. Altgilben, Further Developments in Ultra-Wideband Antennas Built Into Parachutes, December 2004
SSN 496, W. Scott Bigelow and Everett G. Farr, A Conical Slot Antenna and Related Antennas Suitable for Use with an Aircraft with Inflatable Wings, March 2005
SSN 497, Carl E. Baum, Symmetry in Low-Impedance Magnetic Antennas, 12 March 2005
SSN 498, Leland H. Bowen and Everett G. Farr, A Solid Dielectric Lens Impulse Radiating Antenna with High Dielectric Constant Surrounded by a Cylindrical Shroud, April 2005
SSN 499, Everett G. Farr and Leland H. Bowen, The Relationship Between Feed Arm Position and Input Impedance in Reflector Impulse Radiating Antennas, April 2005
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SSN 500, Carl E. Baum, Compact Electric Antennas, August 2005
SSN 501, Carl E. Baum, Producing Large Transient Electromagnetic Fields in a Small Region: An Electromagnetic Implosion, August 2005
SSN 502, Carl E. Baum, Tuning of High-Power Antenna Resonances by Appropriately Reactive Sources, August 2005
SSN 503, Carl E. Baum, Sidewall Waveguide Slot Antenna for High Power, August 2005
SSN 504, Carl E. Baum, Combining Multiple Prolate Spheroidal Reflectors as a Timed Array With a Common Near-Field Focus, November 2005
SSN 505, W. Scott Bigelow, Everett G. Farr, and Leland H. Bowen, Development of the Impulse Slot Antenna (ISA) and Related Designs, December 2005
SSN 506, W. Scott Bigelow and Everett G. Farr, A Frequency Selective Surface Used as a Broadband Filter to Pass Low-Frequency UWB while Reflecting X-Band Radar, January 2006
SSN 507, Leland H. Bowen and Everett G. Farr, A High-Voltage Cable-Fed Impulse Radiating Antenna, December 2005
SSN 508, Carl E. Baum, Prolate Spheroidal Scatterer for Spherical TEM Waves, January 2006
SSN 509, Carl E. Baum, Focal Waveform of a Prolate-Spheroidal IRA, February 2006
SSN 510, Carl E. Baum, Electrode Positions at a Dielectric Interface for Uniform Electric Field, March 2006
SSN 511, Ira Kohlberg and I. Chappell, Mathematical Structure and Analysis of the Inductive and Electrostatic Fields of an Impulse Radiating Antenna, April 2006
SSN 512, Carl E. Baum, Addition of a Lens Before the Second Focus of a Prolate-Spheroidal IRA, April 2006
SSN 513, Lanney M. Atchley, Leland H. Bowen, Everett G. Farr, and Donald E. Ellibee, Further Developments in High-Voltage UWB Directional Couplers, March 2006
SSN 514, Lanney M. Atchley, Everett G. Farr, and Leland Bowen, Experiments with a High-Voltage Ultra-Wideband Radar Using a Directional Coupler, March 2006
SSN 515, Carl E. Baum, A Fast Transmission-Line Voltage Divider With Large Signal Reduction, May 2006
SSN 516, Carl E. Baum, Electromagnetic Implosion Using a Lens, July 2006
SSN 517, Carl E. Baum, Electromagnetic Implosion Using an Array, July 2006
SSN 518, Serhat Altunc and Carl E. Baum, Extension of the Analytic Results for the Focal Waveform of a Two-Arm Prolate-Spheroidal Impulse-Radiating Antenna (IRA), Nov 2006
SSN 519, Serhat Altunc, Carl E. Baum and Christos G. Christodoulou, Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Results for a Prolate-Spheroidal Impulse-Radiating Antenna (IRA), Nov 2006
SSN 520, Everett G. Farr, Leland H. Bowen, Carl E Baum and William D. Prather, The Folded Horn Antenna, December 2006
SSN 521, Carl E. Baum, Transmission/Reflection at a Dielectric Slab, December 2006 (With additional comments by Duixian Liu, PhD, appended to last page on May 21, 2021)
SSN 522, Carl E. Baum, Two Antennas for Differential Mesoband Operation, December 2006
SSN 523, Carl E. Baum, Combined Electric and Magnetic Dipoles for Mesoband Radiation, August 2007
SSN 524, Serhat Altunc, Carl E. Baum, Christos G. Christodoulou, Edl Schamiloglu and Jerald Buchenauer, Experimental Setups For Two-Arm and 60-Degree Four-Arm Prolate-Spheroidal Impulse-Radiating Antenna (IRA), October 2007
SSN 525, Serhat Altunc, Carl E. Baum, Christos G. Christodoulou and Edl Schamiloglu, Lens Design for a Prolate-Spheroidal Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA), Oct 2007
SSN 526, Discrimination of High-Altitude EMP in the Presence of Lightning Environments for Ground-Based Sensors, Carl E. Baum, February 2008
SSN 527, Detection of Surface-Burst EMP in the Presence of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning, Carl E. Baum, February 2008
SSN528, An Electromagnetic Analysis Of The 46cm Diameter Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA), Mary C. Taylor and Tapan K. Sarkar, May 2008
SSN529, Increasing Lens-Medium Permittivity Over Target-Medium Permittivity to Increase Electric Field and Decrease Spot Size at Target, Carl E. Baum, Serhat Altunc, Christos G. Christodoulou and Edl Schamiloglu, June 2008
SSN 530, James McLean and Robert Sutton, Rigorous Analysis of an Impulse Radiating Antenna with a Non-ideal Feed Structure, December 2007
SSN 531, Combined Electric and Magnetic Dipoles for Mesoband Radiation, Part 2, Carl E. Baum, May 2008
SSN 532, Some Planar Geometries for Small Antennas With Switched Oscillators for THz Mesoband Radiators, Carl E. Baum, May 2008
SSN 533, Design of Electromagnetic Test Sites, Carl E. Baum, August 2008
SSN 534, Analytical Calculations of a Lens for Launching a Spherical TEM Wave, Serhat Altunc, Carl E. Baum, Christos G. Christodoulou and Edl Schamiloglu, October 2008
SSN 535, Carl E. Baum, Terahertz Antennas and Oscillators Including Skin-Effect Losses, Sept. 2008
SSN 536, Serhat Altunc, Carl E. Baum, Christos G. Christodoulou, Edl Schamiloglu, Switch Design for Launching a Spherical TEM Wave, March 2009
SSN 537, Carl E. Baum, Serhat Altunc and Prashanth Kumar, Scaling Relationships for Electromagnetic Parameters for Focusing Graded Dielectric Lenses, April 2009
SSN 538, D. V. Giri, William D. Prather and Carl E. Baum, The Relationship Between NEMP Standards and Simulator Performance Specifications, Idus Martiae 2009
SSN 539, Carl E. Baum, Meander and Zig-Zag Antennas in Periodic Resonance for THz Application, 18 December 2008
SSN 540, Carl E. Baum, Some Propagation Geometries for Correlation Measurements of Antenna Switching Spread, 26 December 2008
SSN 541, Mohammad Ershad Shaik, Carl E. Baum and Christos Christodoulou, Integrated Switched Oscillator and Zig-Zag Antenna with Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch as a Terahertz (THz) Pulse Transmitter, 22 July 2009
SSN 542, Carl E. Baum, Prashanth Kumar and Serhat Altunc, Arrays of Zig-Zag Antennas Driven by Switched Oscillators, 12 August, 2009
SSN 543, Everett G. Farr and Leland H. Bowen, A New Figure of Merit for Antennas, the Gain-Volume Ratio, and its Application to the Folded Horn, August 2009
SSN 544, Carl E. Baum, Tiny Fast-Pulse B-Dot and D-Dot Sensors in Dielectric Media, 1 June 2009
SSN 545, K. Sunitha, D.V. Giri and M. Joy Thomas, Radiation Patterns of a Reflector Type of Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) Relating Time and Frequency Domains, October 25, 2009
SSN 546, Peak Power Gain in Time Domain of Impulse Radiating Antennas (IRAs), D. V. Giri, 25 October 2009
SSN 547, Naga R. Devarapalli, Carl E. Baum, Christos G. Christodoulou and Edl Schamiloglu, An Iterative Search Algorithm for Designing Bends in Electromagnetic Structures, October 2009
SSN 548, Naga R. Devarapalli, Carl E. Baum, Christos G. Christodoulou and Edl Schamiloglu, Design of a rectangular waveguide narrow-wall longitudinal-aperture array using microwave network analysis, October 2009
SSN 549, Carl E. Baum, From Small THz Arrays to Large Antenna Apertures for THz Beams Propagating to Large Distances: The THz Flashlight, Aug. 2009
SSN 550, D.V. Giri and F.M. Tesche, Energy Patterns of the Prototype-Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA), Feb. 2010
SSN 551, Carl E. Baum, Prashanth Kumar and Serhat Altunc, Line-Source Switched-Oscillator Antenna, Feb. 2010
SSN 552, Carl E. Baum, Prashanth Kumar, Serhat Altunc, Christos G. Christodoulou and Edl Schamiloglu, Matching Fast Electromagnetic Pulses into Dielectric Targets, Feb. 2010
SSN 553 D. V. Giri, Modifications to a Commercial Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) for Accurate Mono-static Impulse Radar Application, February 2011
SSN 554 Carl E. Baum and Prashanth Kumar, Maximizing Energy in Terahertz Pulse Radiation from a Switched Oscillator, July, 2010
SSN 555 Everett G. Farr, A Standard for Characterizing Antenna Performance in the Time Domain, April 2011
SSN 556 Felix Vega, Farhad Rachidi, Nicolas Mora, Nestor Peña and Francisco Roman, Design, Realization and Experimental Test of a Coaxial Exponential Transmission Line Adaptor for a Half Impulse Radiating Antenna,June 2011
SSN 557 F. M. Tesche, D. V. Giri and Markus Nyffeler, Swiss Impulse Radiating Antenna (SWIRA) Characterization in the Presence of a Local Ground Plane (Earth), October 2011
SSN 558 Everett G. Farr, Antenna Impulse Response With Arbitrary Source and Load Impedances, March 2012
SSN 559 William D. Prather, The Ellipticus CW Illuminator, October 2012
SSN 560 Felix Vega, Farhad Rachidi, D.V. Giri, A New Set of Electrodes for Coaxial, Quarter Wave, Switched Oscillators, October 2012
SSN 561 Felix Vega, Farhad Rachidi, Nicolas Mora, Bertrand Daout, Nestor Peña, Francisco Roman, A Method for the Analysis and Design of Coaxial Switched Oscillators Using Chain Parameters, December 2012
SSN 562 Yan-zhao Xie, A Modified Description of Early Time High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse Waveform (E1) , January 2013
SSN 563 D. K. Singh, D. C. Pande, A. Bhattacharya, Selection of Ideal Feed profile for Asymptotic Conical Dipole Fed Impulse Radiating Antenna, June 2013, Electronics & Radar Development Establishment, Bangalore, India; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
SSN 564 E.G. Farr, A Power Wave Theory of Antennas, May 2013, Farr Fields, LLC
SSN 565 D. K. Singh, D. C. Pande, A. Bhattacharya, Improved Feed Design for Enhance Performance of Reflector Based Impulse Radiating Antennas, Electronics & Radar Development Establishment, Bangalore, India; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India June 2013,
SSN 566 A. H. Harmouch, H. S. Haddad, Applications on Ring-Shaped Omni-Directional Waveguide Antennas, Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon, June 2013,
SSN 567 Dhiraj K. Singh, D. C. Pande, A. Bhattacharya, Improved Estimation of Impulse Response of Reflector based IRAs using Conjugate Gradient Method, Electronics & Radar Development Establishment, Bangalore, India; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India 2013,
SSN 568 Dhiraj K. Singh, D.C. Pande, and A. Bhattacharya, Improved Extinction Pulse method for Automated Radar Target Discrimination, December 2014
SSN 569 Everett G. Farr, Examples of the Power Wave Theory of Antennas, December 2014
SSN 570 I L Gallon, D V Giri, Idus Martiae Design of a Certain Class of Broad Band Dipole Antennas, 2015
SSN 571 D. V. Giri, F.M. Tesche, Considerations for a Compact Loop Antenna and the Benefits of Subdividing the Loop into many Loops, 12 September 2015
SSN 572 Dr. F. M. Tesche, D V Giri, Modification of Impulse-Radiating Antenna Waveforms for Infrastructure Element Testing, 25 October 2015
SSN 573 D.V. Giri, William D. Prather, Risetime Evolution in HEMP (High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse) E1Waveforms - Technology and Standards, 25 December 2015
SSN 574 D.V. Giri, M.D. Abdalla, M.C. Skipper, Y. Rahmat-Samii, Conformal Impulse Receive Antennas, 18 February 2016
SSN 575 J.B. Rhebergen, A.P.M. Zwamborn and D.V. Giri, Design of an Ultra-Wideband Ground-Penetrating Radar System Using Impluse Radiating Antennas, 21 February 2016
SSN 576 D.V. Giri and Jerrold Levine, Design Aspects of a Dual Conical Lens between a High-Voltage Pulser and a Helical Antenna, 15 April 2016
SSN 577 D.V. Giri, F.M. Tesche and Jerrold Levine, The Effect of Minor Radius on the Performance of a Helical Antenna, 15 April 2016
SSN578 D.V. Giri, Micro-Impulse Radiating Antennas (MIRA) 12 September 2017
SSN579 William D. Prather and D.V. Giri, Spectrally Flat Antenna Designs and Reshaped TEM Horns, 1 December 2018
SSN580 D.V. Giri, F.M Tesche, Dr. Armin Kälin, Mr. Markus Nyffeler, Mr. Pierre Bertholet (Retired) Dr. Peter Merki and Dr. Carlos Romero, HPEM Environment Capabilities at armasuisse in Switzerland, 25 October 2018
SSN581 Rakesh Kichouliya and Sandeep M Satav, Study of Electromagnetic Field of a HEMP Simulator Located in a Wire Meshed Building, 29 November 2018
SSN 582 D.V Giri and Shubho Banerjee, Analysis of Stray Capacitances in Compact Marx Generators, 22 December 2019
SSN 583 Fernando Albarracin-Vargas, Felix Vega, Chaouki Kasmi, David Martinez, Fahad Alyafei and Lars Ole Fichte Multiband and Tunable HPM Radiator Combining Frequency Selective Surfaces with a Hyperband Source, Part I Theoretical Analysis, June 2020
SSN 584 Tobias Baumgartner and Daniel Prost, Improved image processing for electromagnetic infrared thermography, 14 May 2022
SSN 585 Everett G. Farr, Simple Mathematical Models of Reflector IRAs with 2-Arm and 4-Arm Feeds, February 2023
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Last Updated March 3, 2023 • Electrical and Computer Engineering Department • The University of New Mexico.
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